Must add keto friendly fat burning foods

Fat Burning Foods

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Fat burning foods, in general, are any fat loss accelerating victuals (food and drink) that can have highly-satiating features, increase calorie burning and energy level, reduce calorie consumption, improve gut health, and promote ketone production. Speaking of ketos, here is a list of keto-friendly fat loss food for lower calorie consumption and natural weight loss.

Leafy Greens

Leafy Greens

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Leafy greens are known for having a chock-full of iron and nutrients. They are also rich in fiber, that can slow down the digestion process, making you feel more satiated while intaking fewer calories. Kale, collard greens, Swiss chards, and spinach are the most common leafy greens best to include in your keto diet.  



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Avocados and other fatty fruits, which are rich in potassium and several other vitamins and minerals, are essential parts of a ketogenic diet. Increasing avocado intake can mitigate possible symptoms of keto flu during the first stages of the said diet.

Also, avocados are considered the healthiest keto food you can eat specifically for weight loss for two reasons. First, these fruits have comparatively high water content. Second, avocados are rich in soluble and insoluble fibers.



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You might have heard about the idea that nuts are high in fat. It is true but not as fattening as you think. Studies showed that nuts are rich in fiber; hence, they can improve one’s metabolism and weight loss. The fibers on nuts can also increase one’s satiety that will eventually reduce calorie consumption.

Most nuts are low in carbohydrates. The net carbs vary among different kinds of nuts, though. The following are the widely eaten nuts with their respective total carbs for every 28 grams consumption: almonds (6g), Brazil nuts (3g), cashews (9g), Macadamia nuts (4g), Pecans (4g), Pistachios (8g), and Walnuts (4g).  




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A lot of fruits are high in carbs to be a part of a ketogenic diet; however, berries are exempted. There are more than a hundred kinds of berries, but most of them have different anthocyanins —one type of flavonoid that can improve brain health, has potent anti-inflammatory properties, and improve gut health.

High-fat Hard Cheese

Hard Cheeses

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Not only the highly-satiating fat and protein that can help with weight loss but also the calcium found on high-fat hard cheeses, which can increase the number of fat that one burns and excretes. Meaning, you can have a win-win situation: you can get all the satiating effects of hard cheese while boosting your metabolism and without getting all of its calories.



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Eggs are considered as one of those high-protein superfoods that are more on fat burners. Any food packed with protein is excellent for your weight loss. According to studies, egg consumption can increase the feeling of fullness and stabilize blood sugar levels, lowering calorie intake for a whole day.



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Researchers discovered that garlic does have not only anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation) and prophylactic (prevents diseases) effects, but also anti-obesogenic effects (averts weight gain).



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Surprise! Your daily condiment made it to the list. It is still considered as food, specifically referred to as supplemental food. Let us make things clear first, though. Mustard does not have any fat-burning property. However, it is a fat-free condiment that is low in calories and carbohydrates, perfect for boosting fat loss without missing out on your desired flavor.

Cruciferous Vegetables


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Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, brussels sprouts, garden cress are under the family of cruciferous vegetables. These veggies do not only contain folate and vitamins C, E, and K, but also it reverses obesity as it is low in calories, full of fiber, and has a sulfur-rich compound called sulforaphane.

Chili Peppers

Chili Peppers

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Eating spicy food is perhaps one of those crazy yet somehow productive weight loss routines that people often believe. The tendency is when you eat this kind of dish, your body will initiate more heat, which turns out to be something that can help you burn calories.

Aside from this hypothesis, chili peppers are common on these kinds of meals. Chilli peppers, along with cayenne pepper and paprika, contain a substance called capsaicin, which is widely known to suppress appetite while increasing energy expenditure.



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Beef is a good source of essential minerals and vitamins like iron, creatine (increases body mass and strength), taurine (prevents insulin irregularities, arterial thickening, and obesity), vitamin B12, and protein. It is crucial to choose the right beef, though. Specifically, grass-fed beef is the best and healthiest choice.


As you notice, any food that is rich in protein has a significant impact on weight loss. Additionally, it is fundamental to know that eating fat burning food is less important compared to sustaining a balance calorie deficit. The more you maintain a calorie deficit, the closer you are to your body composition goals.


Author’s Bio


A long-time entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and Columbia Business School Alum, Kenny has built his career around creating high-quality, reader-focused digital brands. On his spare time writes online contents in the area of diet, fitness, and workouts.

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