
Creative Ways to Make Money From Home

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How to make money from home? That seems to be the big question these days.  I am asked by many of my family and friends because they all see that I work from home and want to know how I can manage to stay home, make money, and enjoy life. Because we are basically a one income family, but yet we still travel, dine out, buy things we want, and live life people just don’t seem to understand how.

Making money from home online it isn’t as hard as one would think.  Just takes a little determination, and maybe some dedication and anyone can do it. Now, some might make more than others, but regardless, pretty much everyone can make money on some level online from home. We can all use some extra cash right?


My top 5 Great Ways to Make Money from Home


1) Cash Back Sites

We all shop online, right? So when shopping online using cashback sites like Top CashBackEbates or BeFrugal.  These 3 are my TOP as far as cashback sites go. If I want to shop at say, Kohl’s, I pull up all 3 sites and see what one offers the highest % of cashback that day. They change from day to day depending on the deals those sites work out with the stores. So, if one is going to shop, you might as well use a cashback site and get cash back for your shopping. Also, they have coupons and discounts at most of the stores so that is saving and earning all in one.

In the last couple years of shopping online for things we use daily and would buy anyhow we have earned at least 2K back, and no idea what we have saved using the online coupons each of these sites offer. Over time, the savings and earnings add up. Check them all out. When you join, you can also get a referral link to share with your friends and family and then you earn for referring.

So, these sites give you 3 bigs ways to earn and save. If you haven’t joined them, what are you waiting for? Do you like paying full price for things? I bet not, go join now!


2) Affiliate Sites

If you are a blogger, have a website, are on Facebook or Twitter or any other social network you can earn money by joining affiliate programs. There are many websites that offer an affiliate program so you should totally take advantage of them. Being an affiliate means when you share your link, and someone clicks that link to make a purchase you earn a commission on what they spend. Being a blogger, I use affiliate links often. It is a nice way to bring in a bit of extra income. You can join sites like, LinkShare, ShareaSale and many others.  You can also join Izea and make money by doing campaigns with them. I do pretty good with them since I have all my social networks connected. Mostly paid tweets, but they all add up. Being a blogger and having a good social network following gives me the opportunity to earn with many networks.


3) Direct Sales / MLM Businesses

If you are alive, there is a good chance you have heard about direct sales or MLM companies. They are everywhere these days. There are good ones, and bad ones but all in all they give everyone a chance to make money if you are passionate about the company you join and the products you sell.

You can sell anything from beauty, health, household, clothing, jewelry, and so much more. I am a rep for a few, and love sharing my favorite products with others. Ones I am with are doTERRA, Younique. But what’s right for me might not be right for you. You can always check out Today’s Work at Home Mom for a great list of companies to check into.

When looking into joining a direct sales or MLM type of business there are some that have a low start up cost. There are also many that are free to join and run their business more as an affiliate program than a direct sales, but still fall into the direct sales category. Just make sure you read all the facts and join what works best for you.


4) Online Survey Sites

If you have some time on your hands you can take survey’s online to earn money. There are many companies out there who pay for you to take online surveys. Some sites you earn credits which you can turn into gift cards while other sites you earn real money. My favorite online survey sites are Inbox Dollars, I-Say, MySoapBox, and Swagbucks.

Swagbucks I think is my top of these ones because you can do all sorts of things on this one to earn. You can do surveys, but also can earn by shopping as it is like a cashback site but you earn points that you turn into gift cards. You also earn by watching videos, playing casino games, and doing a simple search using their search engine. I have probably earned about $2000 in gift cards over the last 2-3 years using this site. And, they have an app you can download and link your most used credit cards to and earn when you dine out too. Love that feature!


5) Sell Gift Cards

Did you know that those gift cards you earn at any of the above sites you can turn around and sell. They might not be worth exactly the dollar amount shown on them, but if you get gift cards you can’t use, taking a little less than face value is still a huge bonus and a way to make some extra money, in a hurry. My favorite is Gift Card Granny. Use a cash back site to search out what gift card sites are out there. So, go to number 1 in my list and join the cashback sites, then search them for gift card sites.

People love to give gift cards and sometimes we just don’t need them or have the time to use them so selling them is the  next best thing. I have sold, and bought many gift cards online. If you are planning on doing any online shopping you can head to a gift card site and buy a discounted gift card, then use a cash back site to shop your favorite store and BAM, you have earned and saved.


These are my top 5 suggestions to start earning money from home online right now. Maybe you are looking for an online job or a side hustle to earn money online. There are great options out there like becoming a virtual assistant, getting into freelance writing, freelance proofreading, or you can start a blog using any best free website builders to create your personal blog. Making a passive income either part time or full time, or in your spare time is doable. Starting an online business can also be done if you are into selling things online. You can work from home, build an audience and make a lot of money.

Using online coupons also helps you save money, and in turn that is a way to make money. Right 🙂

I hope these tips have helped you see, you are capable of making money. Share with me your thoughts and what tips of mine helped you the most.




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