Dealing with chronic headaches can wreak havoc on your everyday life. The constant nature of this type of pain makes it one of the most debilitating conditions to have to deal with on an ongoing basis. While you may never be able to eliminate your pain completely, there are things that you can do to help to mitigate the inconvenience that chronic headaches bring. Here are five ways that you can ease the pain brought on by chronic headaches.

help chronic headaches

1. Get Enough Sleep 

There is no denying the strong correlation between a lack of sleep and chronic headaches. The average adult needs approximately seven to nine hours of sleep in order to function at optimal levels. A lack of sleep may trigger headaches, especially if you are prone to developing this condition. Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider if you are not sure why you are having issues sleeping. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover how much helping your sleep patterns will directly lead to less headache pain. However, it is also important to note that getting too much sleep may also trigger headaches.

2. Do Not Skip Meals

A regular eating pattern can go a long way in stopping headaches from developing. When you become overly hungry, your body’s natural response may be an escalating headache. This happens because your blood sugar levels drop when it is not provided with a consistent source of energy in the form of calories. When the blood sugar levels drop to an unacceptable level, the body will release a hormone that increases blood pressure and causes muscles in the brain to tighten up and lead to headaches. Keeping a food diary can be extremely helpful when trying to pinpoint specific food or drink that may trigger your headaches. Many people find that caffeine is especially likely to bring on headaches.

3. Turn to CBD

Cannabidiol oil (CBD)is being increasingly used as an effective measure of pain relief for a variety of conditions such as chronic headaches. CBD oil can reduce the inflammation that leads to headaches without many of the side effects seen with other types of treatments. There are a variety of ways that you can incorporate CBD oil into your regular healthcare routine. This versatile product can be taken orally or used as a topical agent. CBD bath bombs are a fun and easy way to bring about relief. There are even CBD Bath Bombs you can try that are designed to provide maximum pain relief. Another way to incorporate CBD is through THC oil. This full-body experience will leave you feeling relaxed and with less head pain.

4. Reduce Stress

Stress is one of the most common causes of headache pain. Tension headaches are a particularly common result of too much stress. This occurs when the neck and the scalp muscles become tense and contract. You can help to reduce the occurrence of these headaches by taking steps to minimize the amount of stress in your life. Making an effort to stay organized and simplify your daily schedule can have a significant effect on the amount of stress that you deal with each day. You may also see success by practicing various stress-reduction techniques. Some of these practices include yoga, meditation, and tai chi.

5. Exercise Regularly

If you are not regularly exercising, now is the time to start. Exercise is an extremely effective deterrent for chronic head pain. When you move your body and work up a sweat, your body will naturally release endorphins. These feel-good chemicals are the body’s natural painkillers, helping to deal with the crippling effects of chronic headaches. Many people avoid exercise, believing that physical activity will bring on more head pain. To avoid this happening, it is important to be vigilant about staying hydrated before, during, and after the activity. You can also help to reduce the occurrence of pain by eating 90 minutes before your workout and taking the time to warm up prior to the exercise.


You do not have to simply accept that chronic headaches are going to be a part of your life. With the right preventative measures and treatment options, you can mitigate the negative effects that head pain has on your life.


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