Eat your Veggies

There are so many yummy vegetable recipes that you can spice up for the holidays. My suggestion is to fill half your plate with them and eat them first. That way you don’t fill up entirely on the unhealthy stuff.

Eat the stuff you love.

Just make sure to savor each bite. You should not deprive yourself over the holidays. Just make sure you are not mindlessly eating just because it is there. I know I ask myself “am I still enjoying this” when I am eating and watching t.v. Same concept. We sometimes just kind of eat without thinking. That is not a good habit!

eating cake guilt free


Do not skip meals.

It does not save calories. It almost always leads to overeating. Start with a nice healthy breakfast like these overnight oats. It will keep you satisfied and will lead you to making smarter food decisions.

Eat your Holiday Favorites.

Don’t waste the calories over something that isn’t amazing. Instead of filling up on bread that you get to eat all year round, save those calories for delicious dessert. Or decadent mashed potatoes. Whatever your favorite dishes are, allow yourself to enjoy the holidays with your favorite foods that you only eat this time of year. 

Take a stroll after you have your feast.

Every little bit helps. Food comas are not a good thing! You will feel better getting up and moving. Walking 15-20 minutes after a meal will help with digestion and keep your blood sugar levels stable. 

Eat dessert if you want it.

Just have a little bit of each thing. No need to have a monster slice of everything that looks good. And while eating, make sure to savor and enjoy. Be in the moment of the holidays. 

Lastly, be guilt free!

It is the holidays! No matter if you over do it, you can make up for it the next day. Be present in the joy of your family and friends. These moments are important for our happiness and well being. 

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