It was my daughter’s 3rd birthday last week, and we had the best idea. Let’s go to a trampoline park!

I told her it was a bouncy castle that mommy and daddy can go into. Only it was bigger and had no walls. I have never seen her so excited, her mind was blown. Just a huge room of nothing but bouncy floors and soft walls. We just chased her around and jumped until she was absolutely exhausted. It was her perfect day. I have to be honest, I can’t wait to go back. What a fun way to exercise without realizing you are doing it!

I woke up the next morning like I had spent hours in the gym.

That is freakin awesome!

I looked into it, and was pleasantly surprised at the physical benefits of the trampoline park. Or as they call it “rebounding”.

trampoline park


  1. Burns more calories than jogging. It gets you moving without stressing your metabolism.
  2. Increases lymphatic flow in your body. The lymphatic system helps get rid of the toxins in our body.The jumping motion helps the body pump out the toxins that are built up. It is kind of like a waste management system. It is proven to help lymph flow by up to 15x.
  3. Helps with your immune system. Since it helps with cleaning out your lymphatic system, it also clears your body of toxins. With this help it increases your white blood count, helping fight off infections. Which also, wait for it…helps slow down the aging process!
  4. Trampoline exercise is a great way of eliminating cellulite. 
  5. It helps stimulate the thyroid gland start cleaning itself and the entire lymphatic system of stored fat. 
  6. Strengthens bone density which helps in the prevention of conditions like osteoporosis
  7.  It helps increase oxygen circulation and increased cell energy. Basically meaning it makes your body more efficient, and you will feel better. The more oxygen your body receives, the more energized you will feel.
  8. Excellent on your joints. You get all the calories burning that you would receive from running without the wear and tear on your knees, hips, and ankles.
  9. Helps improve posture and balance. 

We had the best family outing yet. My daughter cannot stop talking about the “big bouncy house”. Needless to say, we are going to be making more trips out there. 

trampoline jumping benefits

Cited : Justbounce


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