Author: rochelle (Rochelle Stivers)


Five Health Benefits of Cooking With Olive Oil

There are so many health benefits of cooking with olive oil… Olive oil comes from green or black olives, which are about 20 percent oil. This oil, in turn, is composed of about 73 percent heart-healthy monounsaturated oil. The very best quality oil, extra virgin, is cold-pressed from ripe olives grown mainly in countries bordering...


Home Improvement Ideas to Make Your Room More Fashionable 

You don’t always have to equate money with making significant improvements; there are times when all you need is a dash of creativity. For example, if you are simply looking to jazz up your room or add a pop of color NeonMama could help. Some vibrant neon signs on the wall can help bring any room to...


Black Friday Online Sales for Plus Size Waist Trainer

Black Friday Online Sales for Plus Size Waist Trainer Never miss the chance this coming Black Friday Online Sales to buy and get the best waist trainer for you! Loverbeauty has lots for plus size women that can enhance your figure fashionably at an affordable price. Fill your closet with great investments of waist trainer available. 1....


My Kids New Normal

I just dropped my daughter off at school and I got this overwhelming feeling of “what the hell is going on?” I put the little mask on her beautiful little face and I really can’t get over how this is her normal.  The other day she asked me how long everyone is going to be...


Support Your Child and Their Passion for Extreme Sports

How to Support Your Childs Passion in Extreme Sports If your son or daughter is interested in Extreme Sports, you often walk a fine line between supporting your kids passion and having unrealistic expectations. While you may encourage your children to be physically active and even set aside time to exercise as a family, you...


Improve Your Health by Adopting a Pet

People today are very preoccupied with their health and things they can do to improve their overall wellbeing. From starting a day with a green juice, jogging, meditating, using natural supplements, improving their diets to religiously putting in time at the gym.  Yet, there might be another way to make great improvement health-wise and save...


Wake up to Benefits of a Good Nights Sleep

Health Benefits of a Good Night Sleep Disclosure – This post contains affiliate links. You’ve got your exercise routine down and found a healthy balanced diet that suits you. But if you neglect your sleep, you’re probably undoing all of that hard work. There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t be so quick to...


Products to Help Relieve Dry Skin

Products to Help Relieve Dry Skin With fall right around the corner, you know that winter will not be far behind. You can prepare your skin for the upcoming elements by stocking your beauty stockpile with products that work to treat and prevent dry skin. In addition to the cold and dry weather conditions, being...


Should you Rent or Buy the Home of Your Dreams?

Should You Buy or Rent a Home? There comes a time when people are faced with the question of if they should continue renting or if they should purchase a home.  Purchasing a home is a good way to secure yourself financially for the future, as long as you can afford it. Renting and buying...


How to Teach Your Kids About Money 

Teaching your kids about money is skill that all children should learn. Financially savvy parents understand the importance of empowering children to make good decisions about money when they are young, knowing that these skills will serve them well later in life. A great way to teach your kids about money is through coupons. Take...

Living Smart Granola