Black Seed Oil for a Natural Home Remedy

Black Seed Oil for a Natural Home Remedy

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” Hold on to the use of the black seed for it has a remedy for every disease except death.” – Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) said.

Yes, death is the ultimatum.  No one can win over death. But before this ultimate conclusion, we all are trying to live our life smoothly and healthily. Everyone has his/her approach to this way of healthy living. Black seed oil is one of such reliable approach. 

What is Black Seed Oil

Nigella Sativa or black seed is an organic elixir with a lot of health benefits. This multifunctional component helps people to control overweight, high cholesterol, skin inflammation, cancer and inhibit obesity.Now, the question is how we will consume black seed oil? Is it mixed with tea, and water to consume for reducing acne, wrinkles and stress? For stress inhibition, physical beauty, wellness and the overall anti-oxidant support, have perfect doses of pure cumin seeds oil. In this article, we will reveal the consumption guide for black seed oil for your healthy schedule.

Natural Methods to Use Black Seed Oil 

  • Mix 1 teaspoonful of black seeds oil with natural sweet honey 
  • Take luke warm water and blend it with organic black seed oil 
  • Apply black seed oil tincture to reduce severe burning sensation and severe pain due to skin inflammation. 

Preview of Different Activities of Black Cumin Seeds Oil

Clinical studies have discovered hidden benefits of this holistic health restoration black cumin seed oil. It has potential to improve self-defence arsenal. It is a natural home based remedy to people irrespective of gender and age. The following roles of pure black cumin seeds oil are 

  • Anticoagulant 
  • Anti-microbial 
  • Anti-oxidant 
  • Antihistamine 
  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Diabetes resistant 
  • Cancer inhibitor 
  • Spasmolytic to induce the effect of anti-muscle spasm for relaxation 
  • Kidney protector 
  • It is a reliable diuretic component to ensure quick urination for fast toxin release. 

Diseases /Remedies/Dosages

Heart Health Inducer 

The inducement of heart health is enhanced. Cool pressing black seeds oil makes the heart stronger by increasing its mobility to filter blood. Phytosterol, Omega 6 and 9 acids are conducive to keep the elasticity of wall of blood vessels.

Therefore, it gives quick medical aid to minimize the arterial pressure and disorder in blood clotting. Doctor’s prescription is the ½ spoon of black cumin seeds oil in combination with water for consuming regularly. 

Control Fungal Infection 

Topical black seed oil tincture is the best remedy to kill deadly fungi which spread fast to destroy the skin. Dietary and wellness plan includes this excellent skincare oil for skin regeneration.  Patients should take 5 ml/1-3 spoonfuls of black cumin seeds oil orally 30 minutes before breakfast. 

Powerful Black Cumin Seed Oil for Health Reprogramming 

Black cumin seed are not hybrid or artificially groomed. In Egypt and China, this unique seed was taken as the spice for food preparation. Pharaohs liked black cumin seeds oil to wipe out bacterial infection. The skin repairing and aesthetic improvement must be done with the assistance of the black cumin seeds oil.

It is a good derma cleanser to remove dross of chemical layers and micro-bacterial properties. Besides, doctors tested the efficiency of Nigella Sativa which builds up a powerful arsenal to prevent cancer. Black cumin seeds oil is one of the best products for over million citizens who require such dynamic health reprogramming solution. 


Hypertension can increase other risk factors like high cholesterol, cardiac disorder, and critical medical condition. Truly speaking, If you drink 5ml Virgin black seed oil with garlic juice, it will be a great relaxation. It is a mood changing treatment.

Black seed oil induces the anti-hypertension insulation to people. Usually, 1 and ½ teaspoon of black cumin seed oil extract with hot water is useful for minimizing inducement of hypertension. 

Inhibit Tumor Growth 

This black seed oil is an excellent medicine for people who have tumors to grow fast. It creates a long-lasting anti-angiogenesis impact. The necrotic cysts delay expanding due to the regular application of black cumin seeds oil. Tumors in infancy are suppressed or removed slowly.

The standard dosage of black seed oil is 1 tablespoon of oil with the same amount of honey to take before finishing breakfast. 

Asthma Resistant Medication –Use Black Seed Oil 

Have one teaspoon of medicated black seed oil with nutritious coffee. The serving size is to consume the mixture 2 times daily (morning and night). It will reinforce you to overpower asthma. Besides, the black cumin seeds oil, as a topical agent, needs to be applied to the chest for relief.

Finally, inhale vapor from the container of boiled water combined with 1 teaspoon of crystal black cumin oil. 

Cystic Fibrosis

In the event of suffering from cystic fibrosis, patients should need  1 teaspoon of black cumin seeds oil with small amount of honey prepare tincture for chest massaging.  Three times daily, apply the medicinal mixture to the chest. 

Have Quick Backup to Tackle Flu and Colds 

Flu and colds happen to force people to stay inside their houses. It is an irritable experience. You will be bored because of taking many pills and shots. Do you like to have a quick response without out of pocket expenses? You have the DIY remedy to tackle colds and flu.

Regularly take one teaspoonful of black cumin seed oil to control bugs, and high fever as well. Ask your old aunties whether they have any hidden untold history about the natural healthcare remedy with black seed cumin oil. 


See, it is not that black seed oil is the only oral application. It has different formats to serve the society. If you have a toothache, topical black seed oil must cure your bleeding gum and pain. However, indeed, in the case of diabetes, you should make a bold approach how to use this classic herbal product.

Perhaps, there are many causes to suffer from Diabetes Mellitus. However, before confirming the dates of appointment with the doctors for a meticulous checkup, try the best home based remedy taking advantage of black cumin seeds oil. Online prescribed dosage to take the black cumin seeds oil extract assists people to have anti-diabetes protection in the long run.

Experts recommend half cupful fumitory, the same amount of pomegranate peel paste and a cup of mustard seeds combined with a teaspoon of black seed oil. This must be a dessert course before the breakfast. 


In the case of diarrhea, outpatient care treatment includes black seed oil to treat patients.  In a cup of 1 teaspoon of black cumin seeds oil and fresh yogurt, you need to stir the potion for drinking twice on a regular basis. 

Better Home Remedy with Black Cumin Seed Oil

Strategically, black seeds oil adjusts triglyceride and glucose intake. It decreases the production of the sebum and cholesterol. Therefore, diabetic patients have good feedbacks when they check the blood coagulation, cholesterol and glucose levels.

The improvement speeds up with the exposure to the regular black cumin seeds oil. More accurate clinical tests have stated that organic black seed oil is much functional comparing to simvastatin for awe-inspiring glucose intolerance. Doctors prescribe the mixture containing 1 teaspoon of black cumin seeds plus the small amount of honey to take 2 times a day. 

Cure Vision Defect 

With black seed oil, correct different types of vision-related problems. The prescribed dose is that do the eye rubbing with half spoon of black seed oil. You should not press hardly the eyeballs. Or you can also take the ½ spoon of this medicated liquid with carrot juice to drink in the morning before breakfast. 

Upgrade Immune System 

Prostaglandin E1 which is active to tune up the immune system should be adequate in the body. Omega 3 and 6 molecules boost up prostaglandin E1 substance. Black cumin seeds oil deploys these essential Omega acids for strengthening up self-defence. It is also a good bronchodilator.

Black seeds oil accelerates the smooth flow of oxygenated blood.  Required dosage is just 1 teaspoon of fresh black cumin oil 2 times daily. 

Medicated pure black seeds oil has significant nutrients and vitamins. It is also an excellent carminative component to enhance the trouble-free gas expulsion from intestine/stomach. It mobilizes the organic food digestion and nutrient supply to develop the body. 


Finally, black seed oil has surprised scientists. Thymoquinone in the black cumin seed oil strikes destructive cancer molecules. T-cells reinforcement is enhanced. The immune system of the patient is seen being optimized for deceleration of the cons of cancer.

So hope is high as scientists will be successful in recycling black seed oil for formulating drinkable health rework tonic for all. It will be a great achivement for medical science. We are waiting for that golden day.

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