Cannabidiol or CBD is a chemical found in Cannabis from which CBD vape juice is made. Over 80 chemicals, known as cannabinoids, have been identified in the Cannabis plant and for a long time THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) was the most popular one. It was so until CBD went to a scene and got really popular in the past decade. Scientists found that CBD has proper health benefits and is a great substitute not just for nicotine but also for THC too. And it DOESN’T make you high! Recent studies have shown that CBD helps fight addiction to many other addictive substances, and bizarrely enough can even help fight cannabis addiction. If you are looking to purchase some CBD, I highly recommend CBDistillery, and there is even a CBDistillery coupon code for 20% off to help you save some money on this purchase!

Cannabidiol can be divided into different products such as CBD vape juice, CBD oil tincture, CBD edibles and even CBD balms which provide benefits such as comfort, pain relief, lessened anxiety, improved mood and better sleep. Of course, most of those benefits are still not researched well enough and authorities warn about the possible risks of non-approved medications or substances. Nevertheless, CBD has been used to help a variety of conditions and sources like the World Health Organization’s “Cannabidiol (CBD): Critical Review Report” from 2018 proves that. 

CBD is a natural solution to a variety of medical conditions without the side effects of over-the-counter medications and traditional treatments. With modern technology, people can infuse CBD into different products such as edibles,  vape juice, capsules, creams, and CBD oil tinctures. If you are interested in learning more about edibles, there are some great guides to gummy brands out there to help you choose the perfect product for you. But, for this article, we are going to be exploring the world of CBD vaping.

CBD oil

What is CBD Vape Juice?

It is a particular type of legal-hemp based liquid that producers made specifically for vaping. CBD goes by various names. It is also known as CBD vape oil, hemp vape oil, CBD e-liquid, CBD e-juice, weed vape juice, etc.

CBD Vape Juice and CBD Oil – What’s The Difference?

Is there a difference between CBD vape juice and CBD oil? The answer is yes. And Can oral CBD oil be used topically? There is a difference between CBD topical vs oral. When you are in need of fast localized relief, infusing CBD oils in lotion works very well. On the other hand, using raw oil on the skin can lead to poor absorption and it will be a less efficient use of the product. This is one example of why it is important to do your research when using CBD.

One major difference is that producers manufacture oils for people to consume them orally while you must inhale the juices made specifically for vape.  CBD oil does not come from marijuana.  This is why it does not contain any CBD.  and usually low amounts of CBD so it’s hard to extract cannabidiol without too much tetrahydrocannabinol.

On the other hand, a CBD vape juice is not mixed with food-grade oils because it can lead to very thick and heavy consistency. Manufacturers use a thinning agent to make CBD lighter and thinner. This way, one can easily inhale CBD using a vape. CBD juice usually contains either Propylene Glycol or Vegetable Glycerin and artificial flavors such as strawberry, caramel and fruity flavors. For safety reasons try to pick only those CBD vape juices which don’t have any additional components as it could be harmful for your body.

CBD Vape Short Guide

When vaping CBD, there are two major options. You may opt for a CBD vape juice and then add it to a vaping pen. On the other hand, a CBD vape pen is also available. It is a ready-to-use device that comes with a pre-configured CBD cartridge. In other words, you can buy a vaping device with CBD that comes in a bundle.

When it comes to dosage, it definitely depends on various factors such as tolerance and body weight. You may start with 1 to 2 mg of CBD as your minimal dosage and then work your way up. 

The Journal of Experimental Medicine published recent studies highlighting the link between  CBD and the reduction of pain or inflammation. The studies claim that CBD can suppress pain by targeting the body’s a3 glycine receptors, which can be found in the brain and spinal cord.

 It has a similar effect to traditional pain management medications minus the side effects.

Is it Legal or Illegal to Use?

Is it legal? Yes, CBD is legal. However, it comes with very specific conditions. For instance, in the United States of America, the legality of CBD varies from state to state. Before using CBD vape, it is best to understand its health benefits, legalities, and implications fully. If you’re wondering where to get one, remember that it depends on your location and the legal complications associated with it. I recommend delta 8 legality to find out if it is legal in your current state. 

READ MORE: Where Is Marijuana Legal in the US?.

Why are Lab Tests So Important?

CBD lab testing is the process of assessing CBD-infused products by an unbiased third-party. This is to assess the cannabinoid content of the products.  It helps determine whether or not they have been contaminated during the manufacturing process.

Lab tests are important to test for purity, quality, and safety, specifically if you use CBD for self-health reasons. High levels of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC in CBD products can lead to intoxication and other side effects. 

Many companies manufacture and sell CBD vape juice and other related products. It is best to opt for the brand you can trust. When looking for a CBD vape juice brand, look carefully at the ingredients and make sure it does not contain any actual oil. For example AvidaCBD company does 3rd party lab tests on a regular basis which you can easily check on their website.

A Final Thought

In a nutshell, CBD has several therapeutic health advantages. There have been several medical studies and experiments that can substantiate this claim. 

Cannabis plants in the form of CBD can increase the quality of life without worrying about unnecessary side effects. Meanwhile, there are some individuals who use CBD vape for fun or experimentation. Whether you use it for fun or health reasons, the choice is yours.

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