Category: Parenting

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Why Raising A Family With Disability Awareness Is Important

It is approximated that around 54 million people in America have some form of disability, according to the Survey of Income and Program Participation. The truth of the matter is that disabilities come in many forms, and there is still a lack of true understanding about them. Raising a family with awareness about disabilities can help –...


Homeschooling your Child during Quarantine

Homeschooling Your Child During Quarantine Do your need help with homeschooling your child during quarantine? You are not alone.  As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe, businesses and schools are being forced to close their doors. Parents are suddenly finding out that not only do they have to work remotely while being...


My Kids New Normal

I just dropped my daughter off at school and I got this overwhelming feeling of “what the hell is going on?” I put the little mask on her beautiful little face and I really can’t get over how this is her normal.  The other day she asked me how long everyone is going to be...


Support Your Child and Their Passion for Extreme Sports

How to Support Your Childs Passion in Extreme Sports If your son or daughter is interested in Extreme Sports, you often walk a fine line between supporting your kids passion and having unrealistic expectations. While you may encourage your children to be physically active and even set aside time to exercise as a family, you...


How to Teach Your Kids About Money 

Teaching your kids about money is skill that all children should learn. Financially savvy parents understand the importance of empowering children to make good decisions about money when they are young, knowing that these skills will serve them well later in life. A great way to teach your kids about money is through coupons. Take...


A Beginners Guide To Homeschooling

A Beginners Guide to Homeschooling Homeschooling can be overwhelming when you are starting.That is why a beginners guide to homeschooling is more important now than ever.  There are so many things to do, read, and remember – you will need to research curriculum options. Decide on the best plan for you and your child. And...


When Should Your Kids See an Orthodontist?

When Should Your Kids See an Orthodontist? All children go through an awkward stage in their lives when baby teeth fall out, and the new teeth come in. However, sometimes children have complications that require them to get orthodontic treatment.So when should your kids see an orthodontist?  The following are some signs that it’s time...


How to Restore Your Body After Having Children

Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences of life. Unfortunately, growing a baby inside your body can often drastically affect your physical appearance. You do not have to resort to crash diets or excessive exercising to get that body back to the way that you want it to look. Here are five...


Fun Activities for Kids While Social Distancing

With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing has now become one of the most effective ways of curbing the spread of the virus. While schools and other places have been forced to close to firmly put social distancing into practice, parents are left with no other choice than to devise means to keep...

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