Category: Health & Wellness

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CBD Health Benefits

Modern medicine has been able to work its way into nearly every aspect of human life. With the kind of power that various pharmaceutical companies hold over marketing campaigns, it’s easy to see exactly how they’ve become such household names. The good news however, is that even though many of these companies possess the


What’s So Great About Paleo? 

Unless you have been living under a rock you have likely heard of the paleo diet. This is the way of eating that is knocking people all over the world off of their feet. Not only do people who choose to eat paleo look years younger than their age, they are also more energetic, slimmer,...


Acupuncture – What is it and how does it work?

Acupuncture is a 5000 year old medical treatment, often considered a new treatment in the western world. Whether or not acupuncture is effective is still debated within the medical community. What is certain is that the number of practitioners and patients grows each year and each one of them is a believer that acupuncture works....


What is Toenail Fungus and How do I Get Rid of It?

That nail doesn’t look quite right, but is it serious? This is a question that more people ask themselves than what is usually thought, but what is toenail fungus, what are the symptoms to indicate one is infected, and what do you do to get rid of it? Toenail fungus is an infection that affects...


Ayurveda Medicine – What is it and how does it work?

Ayurveda is a form of medical practice that originated in India and focuses on maintaining a balance of all the forces at play within the body. When the body is balanced, it is healthy. Remarkably similar to modern medical practices, Ayurveda physicians focus on specific areas of the body. They educate patients on ways to...


Even Cartman is Going Plant Based

“I thought you guys were all trying to force me to eat healthy, but I’ve learned that a lot of this stuff is made in a factory and processed with tons of salt just like all my favorite foods! SpaghettiOs, Rice-A-Roni. Here I was thinking what you wanted was stuff from a farmers market. I...


The Dos and Don’ts of Going on a Detox Cleanse

When it comes to cleansing our body of toxins, detoxing often comes up as a popular option. Like we previously discussed here on Living Smart Girl, it is often done for weight loss purposes. These detoxes also come in many forms — from simple juice cleanses, or trying digestit colon cleanses, or to more restrictive diets...


How to Select the Best Alcohol Rehab Facility

If you’re struggling with a substance abuse issue, then you know how much of an effect it can have on you mentally, emotionally, and physically. It can also take a toll on the people you love and care about. And this is why it’s so important that you seek help. Specifically, it’s essential that you...


Tips for Cooking with CBD Oil

There are literally thousands upon thousands of brands of cooking oil that you can use for cooking your food. In recent years people have been trying to find healthy sources of oil to use for cooking because of the makeup that some oils have which causes them to change to unsafe compounds during the heating...


Taste the Rainbow

It is important to eat your veggies… yes, it’s true. But it’s also important to have a variety in your diet too.  There is a rainbow of nutritional benefits in eating all the colors that nature has to offer. The nutritional value of all these colors are a big thank you to phytonutrients, which is...

Living Smart Granola