Category: Health & Wellness

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How to Sleep Better When You’re Stressed

Your desire to sleep better is probably what brought you to this article. And, like many people today, you may be dealing with stress. Stress affects sleeping and the more severe the stress, the worse it can do that. Over the past few weeks we’ve been talking about a form of stress called Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s)....


Things That You Need To Know About Physiotherapy 

Physiotherapists are the licensed people who can restore your mobility and they can provide some natural treatments to get rid from your chronic pain. There are many methods that they use to activate the dormant muscles ranging from physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and fitness. Physiotherapists stimulate those muscles and lead the situation to self-recovery.  What...


Why Whey Protein Is Good For You

The whey protein comprises eight proteins obtained from milk. These proteins include Lysozyme, Lactoperoxidase, Lactoferrin, Bovine serum albumin, Immunoglobulins, Alpha-lactalbumin, Glycomacropeptide, and Beta-lactoglobulin.  While making cheese, manufacturers typically add some enzymes to milk to help curdle it. This helps in separating solid milk curds from liquid whey.  By removing the solid curds, liquid whey protein...


Kinesiology – What is it and how does it work?

What is Kinesiology? Kinesiology is the science of muscle movement. It is a widely acknowledged practice and includes a vast collection of different practices, some mainstream and some rather controversial. Main Fields of Kinesiology The main fields include Applied Kinesiology, Specialized Kinesiology and Educational Kinesiology. Kinesiology is often integrated into other forms of medical practice....


Clean Food Pantry Staples

Clean Food Pantry Staples Here’s the secret to sticking to a clean diet – make sure you always have something in the house that makes it easy to fix meals and snacks. It’s easy to get tempted by fast food, takeout or even the convenience food section at the grocery store when you’re hungry with...


Clean Eating Tips When You’re Away From Home

Eating clean at home is relatively easy. You cook what you want to eat and provided you have the right ingredients in your fridge and pantry you shouldn’t be too tempted by takeout and fast food. Things get a little more complicated when you’re away from home. Here are some tips on how to eat...


Shoulder Pain Treatment with Physical Therapy

Your shoulders are the most movable and flexible joints in your body, which is made up of multiple tendons, muscles, and bones. They offer mobility and allow you to carry out your everyday tasks. However, when the shoulders get injured, it decreases your range of motion and affects your quality of life. Many people suffering...


What Is Clean Eating?

“CAME FROM A PLANT, EAT IT; WAS MADE IN A PLANT, DON‘T.” – MICHAEL POLLAN Clean eating is a diet that focuses on natural, mostly unprocessed foods. When we talk about diet, we’re not talking about the latest and greatest weight loss program. In this case, we’re talking about a way of eating. The focus...


What Are Orthotics and How Do They Work?

If you are experiencing heel or foot pain, you should consider getting some orthotics. But what are orthotics? They are special shoe inserts that help to decrease abnormal foot movement. Orthotics in Pickering can be helpful. Orthotics are differentiated by quality, manufacturing material, and purpose, to name a few. Some people end up spending a...


Vegetables to Plant for Weight Loss

Disclosure ~ This post contains affiliate links. When an affiliate link is clicked, at no additional cost to you I earn a small commission so I can buy a packet of seeds for my garden.  Thanks.     Vegetables to Plant for Weight Loss Thinking about growing a garden this spring? Then why not plant...

Living Smart Granola