running injury

Usually, if you are an avid runner at one time or another you will develop an injury of some sort. There are many different techniques and treatments you can use to avoid injury when running. Using holistic treatments like acupuncture can be very effective when trying to fix these injuries. If you are looking for a great deal on this type of treatment, be sure to research to see if there are any Special Massage Packages offered in your area. The following are a few of the most common types of running injuries.

Runner’s Knee

If you are experiencing a pain near your knee cap when you’re running, then you are probably suffering from this injury. The repetitive motion of your foot hitting the pavement cause your muscles to become unbalanced and due to weak hips you will put too much stress on your knees causing this condition. Many experts recommend taping or bracing your knee when running to decrease the pain caused by runner’s knee. You may also want to consider taking some anti inflammatory medication or just cut back the amount of miles you are running on a regular basis.


Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles Tendonitis is a swelling in your lower leg muscles connective tissue that can cause a lot of pain in your calf muscles and other parts of your lower legs. Generally, this condition is caused by improper footwear or in some cases, the condition known as flat foot. The best way to help this condition is by stretching before you run and after you run to reduce the amount of cramping caused by running. You should also avoid running in hilly areas, due to the amount of stress it puts on your lower legs. Try taking anti inflammatories for this condition, to see if you have any results.


Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition that is due to the tearing of the tissue on the bottom of your foot. This condition can be caused by many factors such as wearing footwear with no support when you are running. Also the use of excess force when you hit the pavement while running is also a major cause of this condition. By wearing shoes with extra cushioning you may be able to avoid the pain commonly associated with this condition. You should also get ample rest in between runs, this will give your feet a rest, which should reduce the pain.

By using some of the suggestions given, you will be able to continue running without pain. The shoes you wear on your run can make a big difference in the way your body responds to the effects of running. You can consult a running professional to decide what kind of shoes you should be wearing when running.

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