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Can you feel and smell that spring in the air? Get ready,  it’s time to detox your home. The number of toxic products that we have in the home quickly adds up, a lot of times without you even realizing it. As we use these products on a day to day basis, we also increase the toxins that are floating around our house and building up. In addition to the items we purchase, our daily interactions outside of the home can also contribute to the toxins and carcinogens we introduce to the family and pets. Just as we go through spring cleaning and New Year’s resolutions, it is a good idea to regularly cleanse and detox your home, so why not now, when the year has just begun.

Here are several easy ways to detox your home in order to reduce the chemical buildup you’ve created.  


Air Out Your Home

One of the quickest and easiest ways to reduce the number of toxins in the home is to let in some fresh air. Air stagnates in a home and is constantly recycled, especially in the fall and winter months. If you live in an area where it is particularly cold, do this for just a few minutes at a time, one room at a time, with the door sealed before opening all the doors to let the fresh air circulate through the home.


Stop Bringing Toxins In

There are many ways toxins are coming into your home, some of them are via products that you purchase for use and the other big way is one you. Get everyone into the habit of removing their shoes and jackets at the door, and washing their hands after they enter. This keeps things from being tracked through the home or deposited on surfaces when you touch them.


Replace Cleaning Products

Most consumers don’t look on the ingredient lists of the products that they are used to purchasing for house cleaning. Switch to safer, non toxic cleaners like the Mrs. Meyers line sold online or in stores, or make your own using common pantry items like baking soda, vinegar and various citrus products. You can also use many different essential oils to make homemade cleaners.  Simple products clean just as well as those with harsh chemicals, and they don’t leave toxins behind wherever they are used.  I even changed my laundry products. I love MyGreenFills because they not only are all natural laundry products, but also you get one jug, and then every month get your refill powder or liquid that you add to the jug with water.  Stops all the huge laundry jugs from piling up in landfills. Refillable, Non-Toxic Laundry Products auto-shipped to my door, for a fraction of the cost of the toxic store-bought blue goo detergents. Win Win for me! 


Swap Out Home Fragrances

We are so used to using all kinds of fragrance products in our home, but many of them are also filled with toxins that can prove harmful. Remove candles, plug ins and sprays and opt for natural products instead like 100% beeswax candles, potpourri and diffusers that use essential oils that do not contain harmful chemicals.


Add Plants to Your Home

There are several different types of household plants that remove toxins from the air, but every potted plant can help contribute to the reduction of toxins. Even the soil that is used to pot these plants is helpful to clean the air that fills your home.


Educate Yourself

The quickest way to detox your home is to keep the toxins out to begin with, and this can be done when you know what to watch out for. Begin paying attention to labels and the types of materials items are made from before making purchases.  The less that comes in, the less you have to worry about over time.


With these few simple and quick changes you can have a cleaner home and that means safer for you, your pets, and your guests.


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Living Smart Granola