How to lose belly fat

Green Smoothie Recipes

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As a woman ages there is nothing more stubborn (or so it seems) than belly fat. Every woman, no matter who you are or what exercise you do, or what you eat, you will deal with stubborn belly fat. It’s just a fact of life. But, just because it’s a fact of life doesn’t mean we have to put up with it, right? Do you wanna know how you can lose belly fat by drinking? Well, now I know what you are thinking, how can drinking help me lose belly fat. You silly girl, you won’t be drinking margarita’s or beer, or wine.  You will be drinking green smoothies, YUM!

I recently checked into a procedure called CoolSculpting.  It is a procedure that freezes your fat cells, and then your body sheds those frozen fat cells over the course of 3-6 months. Now, once you shed dead or frozen fat cells, you will never get them back. That is a sweet deal, right? Well the part that stopped me from keeping my appointment I made, is that it was going to cost me more than I could part with right now. So, I turn to other alternative methods of dealing with the little bit of belly fat that I have.

I joined my good friend in a workout challenge and October 1st my my day one back on the fitness wagon. I fell off hard over the summer due to life just being busy. I was always on the go, and my food choices were less than good. Ha! Summer! So, I will be doing a program from Beachbody called Liift4.  I did the workout here and there over the summer but never stuck with it. This time, I am sticking with it to see what it can do for me, my belly fat, and my life. I also am getting back into my green smoothie recipes and adding them to my daily food intake.

Before you make that face and start to gag, keep in mind that things have come a long way from when green smoothies first hit the recipe books and the internet. You shouldn’t turn your nose up so quick, because you might just find that you like them. And, when you give your body time to get used to something, before you know it your body will crave it and then before you know it, bam! Belly fat is shrinking.

Now, I don’t know if your belly fat shrinks for sure, but this article can help you understand why you need to drink green smoothies.  Start your day off right, boost your metabolism, aid in digestion, fight depression, get your fruit/veg intake, and more.  Burn your belly fat by ramping up your healthy intake.

Not all green smoothies are created equal. There are many ingredients that a person can put in their green smoothie recipes and every item kinda tweaks it to each person’s liking. Ingredients like frozen banana, leafy greens, natural sweeteners, almond milk, frozen spinach, ripe bananas, maca powder, spinach and kale, fresh spinach, chia seeds, coconut milk, protein powder, coconut water, apple, lemon, kiwi, almond butter, and so many more healthy food options.

Here are some goodies you can snag off Amazon to make your Green Smoothie Recipe to your liking.


If you want to give a green smoothie recipe a try, here is the one I love!
INGREDIENTS2 handfuls of kale
1 lemon
1 kiwi
1 banana (can use frozen or fresh)
Peel all the fruit and remove seeds.
Put it all in the blender.
Pour over ice and enjoy.
If it comes out too thick for you, add a little water at a time to get the consistency you like.
Now, if you want a thicker smoothie instead of one you just pour over the ice, add 1 cup of ice into the blender and blend that way.  This will give you a creamy, thick, yummy green smoothie.
Green Smoothie Recipes
So, no matter what you call your green smoothie – like a green monster, healthy smoothie, green goddess, etc., I know that if you start drinking them a couple times a week you will find a recipe that works for you, and your body will start telling you how much it wants them every day.
For me, one of the hard things is keeping fresh fruit and veggies on hand. I live an hour from town, so my poor hubby is always making grocery store stops after work to grab this or that. I do keep most stuff on hand, but as we all know fresh goods go bad very quickly.
You can print my recipe here ~

Erase Belly Fat with Green Smoothie Recipes
Enjoy a healthy green smoothie either as a drink or a thick shake/smoothie.
Cuisine: Green Smoothie
Recipe type: Smoothie
Serves: 1
  • 2 handfuls of kale
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 kiwi
  • 1 banana (frozen or fresh)
  • 1 apple
  1. Peel all the fruit and remove seeds.
  2. Put it all in the blender.
  3. Pour over ice and enjoy.
  4. If it comes out too thick for you, add a little water at a time to get the consistency you like.
  5. or
  6. If you want a thick, creamy smoothie you can add in 1 cup of ice to the blender and blend with all the ingredients, and enjoy it that way.


If you love Green Smoothie Recipes you can always check out this one too. 


Ginger Smoothie


Maybe you just are not sold on Green Smoothies?   How about just smoothies/shakes of all kinds.
Check out this amazing list of smoothie recipes that you can whip up in no time. 


100 Smoothie Recipes

There are also some good books on Amazon and some misc ingredients you can use.  Check out my recommendations. 

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