Parenthood, or the prospect of it, can be a hugely inspirational event for working women. The trick s to finding the mom business balance.  According to Forbes, 80% of parents-turned-entrepreneurs became business owners to enjoy the flexibility that it offers while also being a parent. Running your own business will always this level of flexibility, but it also brings with it a list as long as your arm of extra factors to consider. Finding efficient ways to deal with the ins and outs of running a business, and securing a balance between your job and being a mother, is crucially important to your well-being and happiness.

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Protecting yourself

Your business will take on various liabilities and it’s important that you put a barrier between yourself and them.  You must find the mom and business balance. The first step in achieving this is to ensure that your business is registered in the most appropriate manner. There are a few steps to take when considering this, according to Entrepreneur mag – what legal protection do you need, what costs can you afford (incorporation is pricey), and what are your future needs? With reducing the impact of personal liability in mind, ensure your business is kitted out with protections – both legal and financials. Business market experts Cerity Insurance note that most small businesses carry insurance the moment they have their first employee – so should you. It will protect your business and, most importantly, your family.

Planning your work

A foundation for your business in place, the next step is planning. A business plan is the center of every successful enterprise, and with the need to juggle family responsibilities, this becomes ever more important. You need to make a clear divide between business and your personal life. There is a psychological basis to doing so, with Psychology Today noting an improvement in productivity and a reduction in anxiety related to work stress when an area is clearly demarcated for work. This can also help you to separate out when you have your business head on and when you have your parent one.

Understanding your limitations

Just as parenthood and raising a family can be intensely rewarding, so can business. When you experience success it can make you hungry for more. This is an important part of being successful; being ambitious and eager to further your success. However, growing too fast can create a huge workload, bringing with it a huge amount of stress and, potentially, business failure. As outlined by Inc, growing too fast can cause you to lose track of finances, make mistakes that going slower would avoid, and miss key business targets. You can also find all of your time being sucked up, taking you away from parenthood. As always, slow and steady wins the race.

Being a successful entrepreneur and mother is a case of balance. You can absolutely be successful, and each factor in your life can benefit the other. The most crucial principle is to take it easy – your business will grow with diligence and slow, steady commitment, and you will be able to take care of your child while it happens.

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