While Hatha yoga is an excellent option for beginners, you may also want to explore some other types of yoga with a little more practice. Here are 5 more types of yoga and Pilates worth checking out.

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Vinyasa Yoga

When you begin looking into the types of yoga you can try, one of them that may come up is Vinyasa. This style of yoga is the more common in the United States. If you are considering trying a class, there are a few things you should know about the basics  and what it could do for you.

What is Vinyasa Yoga

The first thing to know about Vinyasa yoga is that it is a break off of the popular yoga Ashtanga. Vinyasa yoga takes some of the basics of Ashtanga and uses them to create a modern and flowing form of yoga. This form ended up being the more traditional yoga that you will see in most gyms or yoga studios. Some of the types of  yoga that may fall under the label of Vinyasa yoga are power yoga, flow yoga, and prana flow. The concept is to move easily between each step of yoga without having to pause and break your foundation to move into the next pose or asana.

Benefits of Vinyasa Yoga

The biggest benefit of Vinyasa yoga is how it helps with flexibility. The flow of the movements doesn’t give you time or a break in between poses to really let your muscles go back to their original spot. This means if you are trying to build your flexibility and keep those muscles moving, this may be the ideal option for you. Other benefits of Vinyasa yoga are increased circulation and reduced inflammation and joint pain.

Specific Style of Vinyasa Yoga

One of the specific style differences of Vinyasa yoga is the related to the flowing movement. There is no break and the poses are not held for long at all. This means that you are constantly moving through the poses and moving with the ebb and flow of your body. This makes it stand out from other forms of yoga that hold poses for several seconds or breaths to build stress release and breathing techniques.

These are just a few of the facts about Vinyasa yoga. These quick facts give you a rundown of what you should know and expect from this yoga form. If you think this may work for you, consider trying out a local class. Keep in mind, most forms of yoga classes or more traditional yoga classes are of the Vinyasa style.

Kundalini Yoga

If you live in an area that has a powerful American Sikh presence or a 3HO group, then you have likely heard of Kundalini yoga. This form of yoga has a rich history and is very appealing to people looking for yoga as a form of meditation and weight loss. It does combine all three of the mind, body, and spirit aspects of yoga and can be very uplifting. If you are new to this form of yoga, here are some quick facts.

What is Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga was introduced to the United States yoga community through Yogi Bhajan in the 1970s. He brought the practice from India with him to the US. The form of yoga uses intense breathing and core exercises during the yoga practice. This gives the yoga a cardio yoga workout element that most other yoga forms do not have. Kundalini is generally practiced as part of a morning ritual but can be done at anytime during the day. Most Kundalini practitioners do mix the practice with their spiritual involvement and beliefs as well.

What are the Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini is considered to be the all inclusive yoga for many people. The benefits are not limited to flexibility or breathing. In fact, the benefits are considered to be a full body benefit. You can gain meditation aspects, stress release, flexibility, weight loss, cardio workouts, and core workouts throughout the body. If you are looking for a yoga practice that is all inclusive, this may be the ideal option.

Many people find that the most important benefit of Kundalini yoga is improved relaxation and improved breathing. They find their lungs are open more, breathing is easier, and that relaxation is more noticeable throughout the day and not just at times during or near the practice of Kundalini.

What Makes Kundalini Yoga Different

When you watch Kundalini yoga you will immediately see the difference. This form of yoga is fast paced and has intense breathing throughout the yoga. Most of the breathing is also done lower towards the core instead of other breathing techniques in other forms of yoga practice. Kundalini yoga starts and ends on a meditative tone as well which is different from some other practices.

These are just some of the basics regarding Kundalini yoga. If you are interested in moving forward, you can find free resources and classes through a local 3HO group in your area or online through various supported websites and yoga courses.

Bikram Yoga

Bikram yoga is an increasingly popular form of yoga that is also known as hot yoga. If you have seen these classes, but you aren’t sure what they are all about, then here are some quick facts about the yoga practice. There is a lot to hot yoga and how it can benefit you and your yoga routine.

What is BIkram Yoga

Bikram yoga is also known as hot yoga by most studios and instructors. This form of yoga is a break off of Hatha yoga and uses most of its techniques. This form of yoga lasts for a specific amount of time, which is around 90 minutes. There are 26 postures that you will work through during this 90 minute time frame. This includes two exercises that are breathing related. The hot yoga portion comes in with the heat of the room. The class is held in a room that is 104 degrees.

What are the Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Pulse rate increase, metabolism increase, increased weight loss, and increased cardio workout results are all considered to be benefits of Bikram yoga. There are some people that say this form of yoga has helped them drop weight fast and has helped with improved energy as well as blood flow and circulation.

What is Different about Bikram Yoga

The room temperature is one of the key elements that has Bikram stand out from other forms of yoga. The room temperature must be hot in order for the class to be held. The belief is that the heat in the room helps to open the mind and body and that it will help produce higher levels of cardio and weight loss results.

Though there have been several studies on this, there have been no studies that are conclusive that this temperature change actually does help. You will also notice that accessories for Bikram are a bit different. For example, you may find that towels for hot yoga are actually made to stay cool while they are damp. This is to help with any issues you may have with the heat of the room.

These are just some quick facts to help introduce you to the idea of Bikram yoga. If you think this type of yoga may be good for you, consider taking a class and seeing how it works first hand. You may also be able to find other benefits of this yoga that are specific to you and your needs.

What to Know about Ashtanga Yoga

When you begin your research on the types of yoga that are available, ashtanga may come up in the mix. In fact, some people look over this type thinking that the name alone is off putting and sounds like the yoga practice may be too advanced. The truth is, you should at least consider the basics of this form of yoga before you move on.

What is Ashtanga Yoga

The first thing you will find out about Ashtanga yoga is that it is based on an ancient Indian form that was used for spiritual and body awareness. You will find that this type of yoga has been modernized and used as a traditional form of yoga throughout the world. The basic concept is to sync your breath along with your body movements so you have one clear flowing mind and body movement. The name Ashtanga refers to the eight areas of the body that are brought together with the different asanas and breathing techniques of Ashtanga.

What are the Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga

The biggest benefits of this form of yoga are to help with posture and breathing. Ideally, it is for someone that wants a full meditation with their yoga along with relaxing breathing techniques that can be used at anytime. It benefits the body by helping with back pain through posture exercises and help you notice when your body feels out of alignment. There are also emotional benefits and many people have said that Ashtanga yoga has lead to relaxation and reduced depression and anxiety.

How is Ashtanga Different

Ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga in that it is a dynamic yoga and moves to focus on your mind, body, and spirit as one unit. Building all three areas is the key of this form of yoga. Other forms of yoga may focus on just the health of the body or may focus on spiritual aspects and body only. These aspects make it ideal for someone who wants a spiritual base with their mind and body health.

These are just a few of the fast facts about Ashtanga yoga. Keep these quick facts in mind when you are choosing the type of yoga you want to practice. You can find classes in Ashtanga near you if you want to find out more.

What to Know about Pilates Yoga

Pilates yoga is a hot topic in many yoga circles. There is a viewpoint that this type of yoga doesn’t actually fit with other styles. The truth is, it does have benefits and it does pertain to yoga directly. If you are new to pilates or and want to make sure it is for you, then here are some quick facts on the style and what you need to know before you totally move on from the option.

What is Pilates Yoga

Pilates yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on two things. The first is that it uses a very specific set of movements. With each class or routine, you will be doing the same moves in the same intervals. The second specific point related to pilates is that it uses different machines and items to help with the yoga. For this reason, many people believe that while it is a form of exercise it is not yoga. However, most yoga communities and yoga certification programs register pilates as a form of yoga. Pilates yoga is definitely a member of the yoga community, with or without machines.

What are the Benefits of Pilates Yoga

Pilates yoga is an ideal practice for someone who needs to work on flexibility or needs something that offers assistance to help with issues from previous accidents or issues. As an example, people who need to drop weight quickly may use pilates yoga. While people who have been in car accidents and need physical therapy may also use pilates as a form of physical therapy and yoga all in one. The machines do help work your core and help with physical attributes such as building flexibility without causing injury.

How is Pilates Yoga Different

The key point to what makes pilates different are the machines and the accessories. The most common accessory with pilates yoga is the pilates ring. There are two reasons to hold between the ankles. One is to make sure that you are in the proper position and holding the proper posture for the workout. This well placed ring actually helps work your thighs and your core.

While there are still misconceptions regarding pilates, and some people feel that it is not part of yoga. The truth is, it does incorporate yoga and is part of a yoga routine for many people. If pilates works for you, you can find studios near you for ongoing and long term practice and classes.

You can find more great yoga resources here.

Strike a Yoga Pose

Yoga Bag Essentials

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