Many of us don’t take enough time to network as we should. By not doing so, we miss out on a lot of opportunities. We stay in our lane and keep to ourselves. Networking is about meeting new people who you could end up working for or with. You can get new ideas from peers in the same industry struggling with the same problems. It’s a way to acquaint yourself with those who are being successful at something you’ve had trouble with for years. A good network connection can either lead you to a new job or tell you what you’re doing wrong. 

If you are involved in the real estate industry, you might consider becoming a member of REIA. Real estate investor associations offer membership opportunities to real estate investors both large and small. 

Here are four reasons to network with other people

Career Advancement

Networking has always been known to help find a person a new job. However, if you don’t engage in this activity, you’ll remain in a miserable job with no contacts to rely on. 

Career advancement can come from networking smart with those inside or outside your industry. You can meet managers who might be in the process of hiring but haven’t announced it yet. If you’re stuck in a dead-end job, then consider being more active in the networking circles around you. 

Use the internet to find meetups among the professionals on your level. These events allow you to chat without the pressure of being in a work environment. You might discover some of your co-workers doing the same thing. Use networking to up your career desires. You may not be on the verge of quitting, but at least you can talk with someone about a new job you’re considering.

New Suppliers

Networking can bring business new suppliers. It’s good to attend conferences or join groups online that can lead you to new help. Networking is powerful when many people are discussing the same concerns and challenges. You could also learn a new way to handle your suppliers without jumping ship to a new one. Let networking bring you closer to your industry even though you believed you had all of the answers. Most can offer a test run to see how things are going. Once the work is satisfactory, you can pat yourself on the back that you decided to network in the first place.


It doesn’t matter if you’re the business owner or a sole employee. Everyone needs some kind of inspiration at one time or another. Owners whose businesses are facing a slump in the market can get encouragement from others. They can assure you that things will get better over time. This is also true when you need to lean on other employees who are fighting issues at work. Most are reluctant to talk about things, but at networking parties, it can all come out. Either way, you’ll get the inspiration you need to make it through your long days.

Find a Mentor

Finding a mentor through a networking channel or group is the best benefit. These are individuals that you look up to and have seen their success. If you’ve just entered into an industry, you can use these people to guide you along. Many are willing to share their experiences and give you a few tips. Most mentors are sympathetic to those seeking the very answers they wish they had when they started. Use networking to find your next mentor. You might create a new job for yourself and a shiny new career.

These are four reasons to network with other people. Use these environments to advance your career. Find those people you can talk to about making a transition into another industry. A job could land in your lap when you least expect it. As a business owner, you could find a new supplier at a networking conference. They might be a lot cheaper than who you’re paying now. This is great for your bottom line when trying to save money. 

Networking is great for finding the inspiration you need to keep pushing forward. This could either be for your job or as a small business owner. Lean on your network peers to pick you up when you feel down. Find a mentor through networking to help you with your career choices. It’s a great way to put yourself on the right track to success.

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