Eating clean is tough when you are the only one sticking with this particular diet. You’re not the only one who could benefit from this healthy way of eating. Why not get the whole family on board and become a clean food house?

It will be much easier to stick to healthy, unprocessed foods when there is no junk food in the house to tempt you. But how do you go about getting the whole family on board?

Have a Family Meeting

Start by calling a family meeting and laying the cards on the table. Tell everyone why eating clean, healthy, unprocessed food is so important and that this is a change you want everyone to make as a family. Tell them it’s something that’s near and dear to your heart and you need their support.

Make It A Gradual Change

If you’re getting a lot of resistance from your family, consider making small changes when it comes to family food. For example, grill up some chicken and fix a big salad. Then fix a side of Mac and Cheese for the kids.

Or replace half the ground meet for your spaghetti sauce with turkey and use some whole wheat noodles. Keep the garlic toast for those that want it, but add some sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a healthy side.

Encourage your kids to take at least a bite of each new healthy dish. If they don’t like, they don’t have to eat it.

Find New Family Favorites

As you try new recipes, give everyone a chance to vote on what they like and didn’t like. It won’t take you long to find a list of new family favorites. Feature those regularly on the menu and make sure you have plenty of healthy snacks everyone likes around.

Encourage the kids to eat at least one fruit or vegetable with each meal or snack. Even small amounts of healthy food will add up and replace some of the processed junk.

Use The 80/20 Rule

It’s important to realize that every step towards clean food is a step in the right direction. Not all of your family meals have to be 100% clean. Aim for 80% healthy foods and 20% foods that aren’t quite as good for you. And it’s ok if the kids indulge in some junk food here and there. Don’t freak out if they have some cake or pizza at a birthday party. The goal is to make an overall improvement in your family’s life.

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Living Smart Granola