Homeschooling Your Child During Quarantine

Do your need help with homeschooling your child during quarantine? You are not alone.  As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe, businesses and schools are being forced to close their doors. Parents are suddenly finding out that not only do they have to work remotely while being quarantined inside but they also have to homeschool their children. For someone who has never homeschooled before, this can be very challenging but not to worry, here are a few tips to help you get through:

homeschooling tips

10 Tips for Homeschooling your Child During Quarantine

1. Make a Schedule

To effectively homeschool your child during quarantine, you need to have a routine that works for you and the kids; plan your day right before it starts. Keep the structure of the schedule in-line with the children’s curriculum or school’s routine.

2. Designate a Learning Space:

To ensure effective homeschooling, create a learning space that allows your child focus on learning, ensure that the learning space has no distractions.

3. Free Learning Apps:

Learning apps are very helpful when it comes to helping to stimulate your child’s mind. Apps like Math Games, Tutor House, Belouga and Brain POP offer different curriculums for children of different ages.

4. Limit Screen Time:

While homeschooling your kids, make sure you limit the time that they spent in front of a screen especially on phones or laptops where they are looking at social media as this can fuel anxiety and panic.

5. Be Around to Help:

Don’t just leave the children to it, make sure guide them through it. Let them do this themselves but be always available to get them through a difficult task.

6. Incorporate Rewards:

Rewards always encourage children to do more. Ensure you incorporate rewards for good work as a form of incentive to do better while homeschooling.

7. Watch Webinars:

 There are a bunch of educative webinars on YouTube that can you can utilize to help your kids learn virtually during quarantine.  The Khan Academy for example offers different instructional videos on many topics; Mystery science also offers science topics.

8. Breaks are Important:

Make sure you allow your children rest, don’t over emphasize the need for them to keep learning and forget to let them get time off. Allow them have breaks in between learning. This is very important while homeschooling your child during quarantine.

9. EBooks, Podcasts and Audio Books:

There are a lot of online libraries that you can get free educational resources from for your child. Podcasts and audio books are also available for free to children of all ages; websites like offer free audiobooks. If you have a child interested in science, this is a great guide on how to buy a microscope.

10. Teach Them Skills:

This is the right time to equip your children with skills that can help them. If you have older children, you can teach them skills like baking and cooking. For younger kids, encourage them to learn and adopt hobbies like art or computing.

Finally, the most important thing is to make sure that you keep your children busy during this period, make sure you create and engage them in activities that keep their brain active; spend quality time with them and encourage them to learn at their own pace.

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