One of the main ways that people use to drop unwanted weight is to decrease the
number of calories they are taking in during a day and burning more calories than
normal during a workout. For example, if you want to drop more weight you would lower
your calorie intake from 2,000 to 1,400 and you would increase your calorie burn from
200 a day to 400 or more. There are more guidelines, but that is the basic idea. A
problem with this idea is finding ways to burn more calories without staying in the gym
or damaging your body. If this is the goal, then water may be your best ally. Here are
some ways to use water to burn more calories.


The first thing you need to know if you are looking for workouts that will burn the most
calories while in the water, is that a canoe is your best friend. Canoeing can burn
between 450 calories and up to 700 calories per one hour session. This works your
arms, your core, your abs, and can build your cardio as well. This is an ideal workout for
the upper body and will give you at least two times the burn that a traditional upper body
circuit workout would in the gym. Now, this does mean you would need the right
equipment, a small amount of training, and the area to use the canoe. However, keep in
mind there are some gyms that have Olympic size pools or rowing options that put you
in a stationary position while still giving you the ability to canoe.

Skin Diving and Snorkeling

Skin Diving, snorkeling, and scuba diving can give you a large calorie burn after one
hour. Keep in mind, with this, you will need special equipment and it is not something
that you would be doing daily. It is something you could throw into your weekly routine
or every two weeks to boost your calorie burn. If you are looking for something to do just
that, and give you that big boost, then this may be ideal. Skin diving, scuba diving, and
snorkeling can burn close to or over 1,000 calories.

Fast Swim Laps

Swimming is still one of the leading full body workouts for high calorie burn with limited
equipment for the time you are investing. Keeping that in mind, the most beneficial high
calorie burn is from fast lap swimming. What this refers to is swimming at a rate of 75
yards in one minute of full swimming. This can be tested in most gym pools and you can
up your speed or you can lower it and do it in HIIT routines.

This is only a small sample of the ways you can use water exercises and fitness
routines to burn more calories. There are other methods you can use later as you
advance your goals and your caloric burn.

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Living Smart Granola