restore body after baby

Becoming a mother is one of the most rewarding experiences of life. Unfortunately, growing a baby inside your body can often drastically affect your physical appearance. You do not have to resort to crash diets or excessive exercising to get that body back to the way that you want it to look. Here are five smart ways that you can restore your body to its pre-pregnancy state after having children.

Watch Your Diet

Being intentional about the foods that you choose to nourish your body with after birth will have a significant effect on how quickly you bounce back physically. There is a fine line between watching what you eat but still providing your body with essential nutrients. It is important to note that this is not the time to drastically cut your calories. Instead, you want to make sensible dietary choices. Focusing on eating a wide array of vegetables, fruit, and lean proteins will yield the best results. If you are breastfeeding, you should aim to eat approximately 2,000 calories per day. It is also vital that you are purposeful about drinking plenty of water.

Breastfeed Your Baby

There are numerous benefits of breastfeeding your new baby. In addition to the vast health benefits that it provides your growing infant, breastfeeding also helps the mother to gain back her previous body shape. Nursing your baby has been estimated to burn off an additional 500 calories per day. This massive caloric burn is instrumental in helping your body get back to its pre-pregnancy shape. The act of breastfeeding also stimulates the uterus to contract and shrink back to its original size. As a bonus, there are a host of feel-good endorphins that are released when you nurse your baby, helping women to stave off post-partum depression.

Consider a Breast Lift

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can do a number on your breasts that may be impossible to reverse with diet and exercise alone. If you are not happy with the physical appearance of your breasts, you may want to consider looking into getting a breast lift. This is especially important if the appearance of your breasts is negatively affecting your confidence levels. This type of surgery can be extremely effective at fixing the sagging and drooping breasts that are often the result of pregnancy and nursing. You do not have to accept that these post-pregnancy breasts are here to stay. Search for a professional in your area. For example, if you live in Toronto you will want to find the best breast lift surgeons in Toronto. By lifting sagging breasts, the whole contour of the body will improve and your confidence will soar.

Get Moving

Easing back into a reasonable and smart exercise routine is one of the best things that you can do to support your body in this time of transition. Most doctors will clear women to begin light exercising a few weeks after birth with more intense exercise being allowed at approximately six weeks post-partum. When first starting out again after giving birth, you can resume the activities that you were doing during the third trimester of pregnancy, working backward from there until you are back at your pre-pregnancy levels of physical activity. This is also a good time to begin doing kegel exercises to improve the function of your pelvic floor.

Stick to a Routine

One of the most challenging aspects of returning to your pre-pregnancy body shape is finding the time to practice self-care. You will do yourself a big favor if you establish a routine that allows you to find time for your personal needs each day. Even if you have to recruit outside help, it is imperative that you take the time to devote to your own physical and mental health. You will be a happier and better mother if all of your personal needs are being met. Do not let yourself feel guilty for taking this time to tend to your own needs.

When it comes to getting your old body back, you cannot expect to see results overnight. The most important thing to remember is to be patient and consistent with your efforts. It is a good idea to keep in mind that it took nine months to put on the weight and will likely take nine months to take it off as well. 

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