Many huge business giants now own Instagram accounts. Within this time and age, who doesn’t? Instagram is becoming one of the most popular apps for many businesses to showcase their business skills and use social media as a marketing tool. In 2021 using Instagram to operate many sorts of big and small businesses is becoming even more fruitful than doing on spot marketing.

While marketing using Instagram is highly competitive but in the longer run it can reach a wider audience and work more in your favor if it is done right. To help grow your Instagram followers, finding the right program is crucial.

How to use Instagram for marketing

If you are planning on starting a new business and want to use Instagram in order to widen your reach, you need to thoroughly plan it. Remember Instagram heavily relies on visuals unlike clickable links and text on facebook. So using it for business is actually quite different compared to any other social media app. A business account in particular has to be set up properly in order for it to function effectively, you can’t just make a random account and start posting without planning. Here are a few strategies on how you do it.

Setting up

Remember that when starting up a business it is better to have a reach on all sorts of social media rather than sticking to one.  What you can do is connect a chain of social media accounts of similar purpose.

Working out a bio

Your bio is your overall outlook and may describe your brand content. You can not only use an attractive bio to gather customers but you can also use your bio to add redirect-able links in order to divert customers to your brand pages or shops. Shorten up your links using services like Bitly so that they may take up less space.

Using Instagram stories and Lives

Instagram stories allow you to post strings of pictures and videos that stay there only for 24 hours.  A lot of businesses use it for their own advantages, sometimes to post out of context what they can’t on their normal feed and sometimes use lives to engage with the audience.

Monitor your performance

Knowing what’s working out for you is also quite helpful. In fact you can use insights and other business tools to check out your post engagement and what kinds of posts or hashtags work out better for you. Having the right hashtags is crucial to having the right audience.

Engaging with the audience

Dive into your comment section from time to time to look for what your audience wants from you. Queries and other issues need to be dealt with timely. Moreover a good response time can actually keep your customers from moving on.

Scheduled posting

Scheduling your posts is crucial as timing for instagrammers matters a lot. Nobody likes being spammed. What you post and how much you post should be planned accordingly.

Influencer Marketing

One of the most popular ways of marketing to start from scratch is to use influencer marketing. You can use pre-existing influencers and with their help reach out to a wider audience. For example you can look up the First page Australian Instagrammers and try to reach out to those influencers by suggesting cooperation and sponsored posts.


One way to build influence is to regram other people’s content and reach out to their audience as well. This and reaching out to your competitor’s audience can actually be one way to kick start your customer base too.

Capitalizing on Instagram Ads

Investing into advertising gives you a good opportunity to reach out. This is in fact extremely affordable and a great way to end up in the suggestions of people who may have engaged with similar posts to what you have to offer.

Hosting Contests

Instagram contests and prizes or giveaways are another important way to engage your audience. People love prizes and affirmation. In fact this is one of the most effective ways to get an audience if done properly.


Social marketing has become a new trend for operating business. It has also spread widely amongst the Covid crisis as a new replacement of shopping arenas for many business markets. Do remember that using Instagram for business doesn’t mean you earn money from instagram. Rather you use Instagram as a social marketing asset to earn money. If done right, Instagram marketing can help you reach a way wider audience than you can imagine. Do understand that nothing will work out overnight, what you need is time and investment and most of all patience.

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