We’ve all heard that stopping smoking can lead to weight gain. It’s a rumor which can prevent many of us from even trying. That’s unsurprising when you consider that many healthcare providers warn that obesity can be even more harmful. Why kick one unhealthy habit just to replace it with another?

In reality, though, issues like these aren’t comparable. The health risks of obesity don’t negate the damage you do by smoking. Besides which, while smoking does raise metabolism a little, it isn’t the issue we’re led to believe. In fact, the majority of people who give up smoking put on less than 10 pounds.

If even ten pounds sound like too many to you, you can take steps to give up without any weight gain. As mentioned, the metabolism issue is so small as to be barely noticeable. The main reason for weight gain during the quitting process is that of transference. It’s astounding how many people replace smoking with excessive eating. But, by acknowledging that risk and taking the following steps to avoid it, you could stay slim and stop smoking at the same time.

Find something to do with your hands

In the first weeks after giving up, your hands may feel at a loose end. You may even find that you unconsciously go through the hand motions of rolling a cigarette. This is when many people head to the kitchen for distraction. Make sure that you don’t do the same by finding something else to distract your hands. During those first crucial weeks, something like a vape pen filled with captain berry crunch or a similar e-juice is best. These options allow you to mimic those familiar smoking gestures. After a while, you may even find that just a finger-fidget toy can curb the urge to eat.

Reach for healthy snacks

Even if you do find yourself in the kitchen, there’s no reason to reach for unhealthy snacks. By removing foods like chips and chocolate before giving up, you eliminate the risk of snacking on them. Instead, stock up on fruit, yogurts, and even crackers. These are the ideal fast food, but they’re part of a healthy balanced diet which won’t see you putting on any weight at all. Reaching for foods like these instead of your usual unhealthy choices could even see you stopping smoking and getting healthier.

Use your newly freed time to exercise

Many of us also eat more after quitting because we have more time on our hands. It isn’t unusual to eat during all that free time when you would have been smoking. But, by filling those periods with a healthy alternative like exercise, you can even remove this risk. Ex-smokers often find that going for a walk during the times when they would usually be smoking can be a huge help. Far from seeing you putting weight on, habits like these can aid weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. They can also keep you very firmly out of the kitchen.


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