Should You Start Going Back to The Gym? Is it Clean Enough?

Gyms are starting to reopen. But is it safe to go to the gym?

Although there is still a risk that going back to the gym might expose you to the novel coronavirus, there is a way for one to stay safe at the gym and avoid diseases. Read on for more.

should you go to the gym

Gyms and Germs

Athletic facilities hold a lot of germs. A group of researchers recently found that flu virus, drug-resistant bacteria, and so many other disease-causing organisms lay on the surfaces of about 25 percent of all the surfaces they tested.

The high number of pathogens is a result of people sweating and exercising in a closed space. In such conditions, diseases can spread fast. Besides the people sweating, it might be challenging to sanitize gym equipment. Gym equipment such as kettle and dumbbells are high-touch metal. So many people touch the equipment and this is why they are challenging to sanitize.

Granted, those going back to the gym need to understand that there is a risk involved and they need to be ready.

Cleaning the Gym

The first step in staying safe is gym disinfecting – this involves sanitizing the surfaces and yourself. The gym you visit should have a spot where you wash your hands or sanitize to kill germs.

A good gym should not request that members touch anything. There should be an employee standing behind sneeze guards to fill in any details for the members. The employees should always be on face masks. Inside the gym, there should be spray bottles with disinfectants. Ensure the disinfectant meets the EPA standards. Some gyms have wet wipes to kill germs, but these are not approved by the EPA. So is it safe to go to the gym?

Observing Social Distance

Social distance is necessary for the gym and everywhere else. A gym that would hold 60 people before the virus, should hold 30 or less to ensure people space out. Gyms have started introducing colored tape or any other way of marking the distances to show the members where they should work out from to avoid close interactions.

You should stand at least six feet away. The virus can spread from droplets from the mouth or nose. At six feet, most of the droplets will drop to the ground before they reach the next person.

If you can stay farther than six feet, it is better because six feet is not so safe. Sneezes can send the droplets far beyond six feet. Even when you are six feet or farther, you need to keep your mask on.

It is also important to have a well-ventilated gym. A gym with large open spaces, large windows and doors, and vents is better than a closed space.

Make Informed Decisions

The gym might take precautionary measures including educating people. However, before you head to the gym, you need to understand the risks and how to protect yourself from the virus and how to protect those around you.

It is easy to stay safe when everyone in the gym understands the risks and how to protect themselves. Gyms can add posters in the entrance and on different places in the gym to show people how to clean or sanitize their hands, the importance of keeping the mask on, and anything else related to the virus.

Should You Go to the Gym?

The decision to go back to the gym or continue doing home workouts remains with you. It is a personal choice whether it is safe to back to the gym It is a personal decision you have to make. You have to weigh the benefits of exercises and the risk of infection. If you have any health conditions that increase your risks of infection, you need to stay away from the gym.

Although it is advisable to wear masks, it is not always possible to have them on when you exercise for long hours – they can be uncomfortable. These masks will also become damp during exercise, and this makes them less protective as they might attract bacteria. Even with the gym taking so many precautions, there is never zero risk.


So it is safe to back to the gym? Working out has so many health benefits. You can take on the risks and get the benefits, or you can stay at home and work out from there. If you decide to go to the gym, take all the necessary precautions. If you decide not to go to the gym, be sure to exercise at home.

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