
Most people understand the problems you will encounter if you don’t maintain your home properly. Gas leaks, dangerous electrics and mold are all common issues even the least educated DIY expert should know to watch out for. However, there are a few things that can happen in the house that you might not be aware of – and will surprise you.

In this guide, we’re going to go through some of the biggest hidden health risks in your home that don’t just affect your kids, they can be harmful to adults, too. Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about these surprising hazards, from bleach-based cleaners through to the dangers of using gas heaters and stoves. Read on to find out more…


There’s no escaping dust, no matter how hard you try. Even the primmest and properest homeowner will find it impossible to maintain a dust-free home. However, when you realize there are significant health risks involved when it comes to dust, it’s imperative to do everything you can to deal with the issue regularly.

According to several studies, build up of dust in the home can be full of toxic chemicals – from your cleaning products, amongst other things. So keep wiping down a few times a week, including those hard-to-reach corners. Especially if you have kids, who are particularly sensitive to such things.

Bedtime nasties

Nothing beats climbing into bed at the end of the night, right? Well, if you are using old pillows, you might want to consider ordering some new ones. Research suggests that used pillows are often home to a range of nasty fungi, which can cause problems for many people, especially those with immunodeficiencies.

And while you are ordering new pillows, maybe consider a new mattress, too – there are about 110 mites per gram of mattress dust, depending on the humidity of the air in your home.


Most people know to watch out for leaking pipes in case of damp – and the many problems it can cause. However, it’s not the only culprit. If your HVAC unit is starting to run low on refrigerant, it might be on the way to freezing completely – especially in the winter months. THat means ice starting to thaw when water is released into the system, and eventually causing damage to your paintwork and plaster. If you suspect a problem with your HVAC, call around for a quote at your local air conditioning companies. Once that damp takes a hold, it could cause serious mold problems.

Soap and shampoo

Finally, a really scary thought – even keeping yourself clean in the home can cause you serious health issues. According to several studies, the substance triclosan has been linked with cancer and liver disease. And it’s a substance found in hand sanitizers, wipes and some toothpastes. Another nasty set of chemicals is called phthalates, which are used in shampoos and hair sprays. These are reportedly linked with DNA damage, which can impact fertility rates and pregnancy rates.

As you can see, there are plenty of surprising health hazards in the home. It’s important to keep it clean, but as our final point suggests, be careful what you use!

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