family and social distance

Help Keep Your Family Positive While Social Distancing…The world is currently quarantined in order to avoid the path of COVID-19. Both government and health officials implore people to remain in their homes. While this might be a challenging feat for someone who’s an extrovert, it’s definitely impacting everyone across the world. In order to remain okay, maintain an intentional attitude of positivity with the following tips.

Media Limitations

If you’re constantly following the news circuit, it’s going to impact the way you feel. Granted, you don’t have to live under a rock. You need to know what’s going on. However, it’s best to do so in moderation.

Start by paying attention to the press conferences that are made by your governor. Your governor’s mandates apply to you directly. You don’t really need to know all of the details of what’s happening on a national scale. Get your directives from the governor.

Plus, most governors give thorough, detailed information that gives context to what’s happening on the national and global scales. In this case, you don’t need to consume tons of articles, sad news stories or intense social media posts. Set parameters.


Sometimes, talking about dreams and plans help people to remain hopeful about the future. This is why it’s great to have sessions where you all talk about what you’d like to do as a family when the restrictions are lifted. You could even start planning your family vacation together to take your mind off of social distancing. Whether you plan to go camping in Pennsylvania or stay in a beach house in California it is a great way to envision what you want for the future and remind your family that this wonโ€™t last forever.

As you think about the new memories you all would like to experience together, it’ll help you remain forward-thinking, positive and excited for what’s to come.

Daily Activity

Studies support the belief that an older person who maintains an active lifestyle will live longer. Maintaining an active lifestyle doesn’t just apply to your physical activity. Keep your family positive by making sure they have an active schedule.

Implement a block scheduling system. The children can work on homework, classwork and anything else that is academically-related in the first portion of the day. Don’t allow them to scroll on social media or play video games for hours upon hours. Instead, make sure they have chores to complete, books to read and other activities that will occupy their minds. Purchase a few puzzles and board games.

Nothing is wrong with a movie marathon on a Sunday. Make sure the marathon doesn’t bleed into the rest of the days of the week. Help everyone give each day a sense of purpose.

Alone Time

Respect everyone’s need for space by encouraging each person to have some downtime. If there’s a baby in the home, this might mean that their downtime is their nap time. If you have a preschooler who doesn’t want to take a nap, they can just have quiet time with their toys.

You need your alone time as well. Alone time gives people a chance to recharge, reflect and decompress. Some families prefer more alone time than others. Find your rhythm as a family, and respect everyone’s need for space.

Physical Exercise

Though the gyms are closed, no one gets a pass on physical activity. In fact, it’s even more essential when you’re in the midst of a quarantine. It’s a lot easier to become incredibly sedentary during this season. When you all are in the house, it’s more tempting to consume lots of snacks, baked treats, and carbs.

If you don’t want that food to show up as stored fat, exercise daily. Exercise is also excellent for everyone’s mental clarity and health. Encourage everyone to find their own form of exercise they can commit to. Whether it’s an online aerobics class or a jog in the neighborhood, everyone needs to do something that will release endorphins and improve their mood.

In these uncertain times, it’s important to find something that’s stable and safe. In this case, your home needs to be a safe zone for your family. After all, it’s the only place they can be. When you’re intentional about creating experiences and memories that your family can enjoy, you all might discover that you all appreciate the chance to spend more time with one another. Even though coronavirus is rampant in the world, your home can be the one place that is a haven of hospitality, happiness, and positivity.


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