One of the areas where we tend to struggle is focus. Many times we aren’t able to think as clearly as we should and we are not able to concentrate the way that we should. Sadly, for many of us we don’t even know that we have trouble with mental clarity because we are just so used to living a certain way. It’s like over time we have just learned to adapt to a lesser level of brain function. We say that we are experiencing things like forgetfulness or lack of sleep when in reality we are simply not feeding our brain the way that we should so our brain is not able to function the way that it should.

Sure, you can find things that claim that they can give you a boost of brain power. There is no shortage of pills and gimmicks that claim that they will be able to help you find better concentration than you had ever thought possible. But how great are these things really? And do you really trust a pill bottle to be able to give your body what it needs?

Believe it or not, the best way to give your brain power a boost is not found in a pill or a bottle, it doesn’t cost a fortune, and it isn’t as complicated as many people would have you think. In fact, you can boost your brain power simply by taking a trip to your kitchen. The foods that we eat serve us in a variety of ways. They can boost our immune system, they can help us to lose weight, they can even give us glowing skin. But many people overlook the way that the foods that we eat can affect the way that our brain works.

Think about what happens to your skin when you overload on junk food. Most likely you will not only find yourself feeling sluggish, but your skin can become congested, develop acne, and even show signs of rosacea. The skin gives you a physical picture of how the things you are putting into your body are affecting you.

While you might not be able to see what is happening in your mind, the effects are there as well. You know that sluggish feeling you sometimes have when you eat poorly? Part of that tired feeling comes with a loss of mental clarity and an inability to focus. You know that energized feeling you can have when you eat a super healthy meal? Part of the reason that you can get things done so easily is because your mind is able to think more clearly and focus more easily.

But where does the paleo diet fit into all of this? How can paleo foods give you a boost in brain power?

For starters, eating paleo provides you with a nice dose of nutrients and healthy fats, both of which are critical for your mental clarity. It has been said that your brain uses as much as 20% of your total calorie intake, this means that it isn’t just vital that you eat, it is vital that you are eating the right foods to fuel your brain.

Brain Foods

Paleo Foods For Thought

Red Meat

Because protein is a staple of eating paleo, red meat is a big part of the paleo diet for many people. Even though too much red meat is can raise your cholesterol, you still might want to add it into your diet a few times a week. Red meat offers Vitamin B, which is essential for brain function.


You have likely heard of the importance of getting enough omega-3’s in your diet, but there is another important thing that can only be found in fish, and it is something that is often overlooked. Selenium. Even though it isn’t as talked about as omega-3’s, selenium helps your brain with everything from motor skills to cognition.

Gut Health

Because eating paleo offers a lot of the nutrients that your body needs, it supports healthy gut function. A healthy gut goes hand in hand with your brain’s ability to function.

It is important to remember that if you are eating paleo for gut health, you need to be sure you are consuming protein, vegetables, and healthy fats at every meal. Additionally, you should try to stick with things that will go through your system easily and offer a bit of natural hydration, (for instance, eat dark, leafy greens as your vegetable).

When you are changing the way that you eat it is important that you think about your brain and the impact that your changes will have on your mental functions.

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