Should You Buy or Rent a Home?

home ownership

There comes a time when people are faced with the question of if they should continue renting or if they should purchase a home.  Purchasing a home is a good way to secure yourself financially for the future, as long as you can afford it. Renting and buying both come with their own set of expenses, and each can vary depending on where you are living and what your living space entails. Today, we’re going to discuss some of the pros and cons related to each in order to help you make an informed decision. Whether the best for you is to buy or rent a home. 


For most people in the country, the cost of living is a huge factor in where they choose to live. The question is, should you buy or rent a home? If you’re wondering if it’s cheaper to buy a house or rent one, the answer isn’t that simple. To start, the area where you’re hoping to live will play a huge role in how much you’d be paying for rent or a mortgage. You’ll want to calculate the break-even point, which is basically how many years would it take before the cost of owning a home would equal the cost of renting one. In larger, more popular areas, like New York City, it would take around 5 years. In other areas, it might be less. So should you rent or buy a home?

Additionally, homeownership comes with costs like insurance, maintenance, utilities, taxes, and other miscellaneous costs, like home improvement projects or emergencies. These costs need to be accounted for when you move to buy a house. 

Rent, on the other hand, can still come with a lot of these costs, but sometimes at a lesser level. In the end, it depends on how these costs even out and how much you’re able to financially compromise in order to move towards homeownership. 


One of the biggest benefits of renting is that it’s relatively hands off, depending where you live. While some homes do require tenants to take care of the lawn, many apartment style living spaces don’t require much other than simply keeping the house clean and undisturbed. If you don’t have the time in your schedule right now to maintain your property, renting may continue to be the better option.

If renting is more hands-off, then what is the benefit of owning a home? Should you buy or rent a home?  When you buy a home, you’re essentially securing your wealth. Homes normally gain equity, and in ten or more years, it can be worth much more than it is currently. Further, your monthly payments compared to rent shouldn’t change drastically, and you may be able to find a bigger space for a lower payment. And, best of all, you’re putting your money towards actually owning something versus just renting it out. This is one of the main reasons why homeownership is worth it.


Your lifestyle also plays a major role in whether or not it’s the right time to buy a home. If you’re someone who is ready to settle down for the long haul, then owning a home is a good choice. However, if you plan to move around a lot, it might not be worth it to put yourself through the trouble of having to sell your home again after only living there for a short amount of time.


All in all, there are a variety of pros and cons to buying or renting a home. It depends on your situation and what you’re financially ready for. There’s no right or wrong answer, but it’s important to understand what’s going to work best for you!

For more on COVID-19 and the real estate comeback, check out HomeLight’s Top Agent Insight Survey from Q2. 

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