Some Symptoms of Depression

Some Symptoms of Depression

Depression is more than just feeling sad. It comes with many symptoms, some of them more noticeable than others. In this post, we will talk about some symptoms of depression. Moreover, we will cover some possible solutions that may work for you, some common and others not so much (like mind expanding solutions that could be just what you are looking for at this magic mushroom dispensary). Because you never know what can help, right?

Get Help for Depression!

If you are suffering from severe depression, anxiety, or just need life advice, an online counselor or therapist is there to help. Lately, more and more people have been turning to online counseling and therapy for help. Regain can help you when you are suffering from many problems. For more information, click this link:


Depression is just exhausting. You may suffer from severe fatigue, which can intensify over time. No amount of hot coffee or energy drinks can seem to wake you up. Depression can also cause insomnia or oversleeping, which can contribute to the fatigue. That’s a common theme you may notice, that depression’s symptoms work off of each other in disharmony.

Eating Too Much or Too Little

Many have heard of depression eating, where you eat lots of food to cope with your depression. The opposite can happen, too. You can eat less, or hardly any at all. Weight gain or loss may occur as a result, which can increase your depression.

Can’t Sleep or Sleep Too Much

We mentioned this before, but insomnia is a big symptom. Sometimes, your depressive thoughts and restlessness keep you up at night, and you don’t know how to cope with them. Other times, you’ll sleep for 10 hours, which isn’t good either. A lack of sleep can certainly intensify your symptoms already.

You Lose Interest in Things

Sometimes, you naturally lose interest in hobbies, but you usually gain new ones as a result. With depression, your interests fade instantly and you may not know how to go about it. Oftentimes, your interests are what make you happy, so depression is contributing to a tough cycle to break.


You may feel like you’re in pain constantly. Headaches, cramps, and other aches can occur on occasion or all the time. Having mysterious pains is always annoying, and a bit terrifying too.

Loss of a Schedule

Being on a routine is a good way to treat depression, but when you’re depressed, it’s hard to keep a schedule. Losing your schedule can mean losing your fitness goals, your hygiene routine, and much more. It can be hard to get your schedule back once you are depressed.

You Lose Your Relationship With Your Other Family Members

If you have a spouse or kids, it can be hard for you to keep relationships up with them. It can be hard for you to have a good relationship when you are irritable, or when you’re always negative. A family member can be empathetic towards you, but empathy only goes so far for some people. With children, you want to make sure that you’re regularly doing activities and other bonding moments with them. For more information on how you can do this, click here or look here.

What Can Be Done?

Depression is tough to treat, depending on its symptoms. Seeing a therapist is your best bet if you have chronic depression, but until then, there are some ways you can help treat your depression, including:

    • Getting into exercise more. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals in your mind that help treat depression.
    • Using your smartphone to get on a routine and sticking to it.
    • Figuring out if there are any external factors contributing to your depression.
    • Trying to get optimal rest.

Your depression journey may be a challenge, but by recognizing the symptoms, you can work your way to handling them.

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