Black Seed Oil

Effect of Black cumin seed oil  to Reset Gynecological Diseases

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Nowadays, women have to do different types of jobs for life standardization and security. Their daily workouts are tight. This hectic lifestyle makes them more critical. The side effects of globalization, modernization and liberalization infect their reproductive systems.

Black cumin seed oil is naturally an alternative therapy to enable women to have smooth sexual health. The Black cumin seed oil improves their reproduction method reducing complicated infections in sexual organs.

Take Black cumin seed oil to control vaginal itchiness and bad odor. The useful guide of professional gynecologists must help a woman to realize benefits of this miracle herbal component. 

How Do Gynecological Disorders Hamper Women’s Lives?

Complicated gynecological morbidity hampers personal and social life of a woman. Not only does her reproductive systems get hurdles and obstructions, but also the sexual health of the lady deteriorates due to the gynecological disorder.

Clinical reports and medical tests confirm the loss of sexual potency, childbearing incapability, irregular white discharge, and stress. Prolapse in pelvis takes place as well. 

List of Gynecological Diseases

  • Fibroid Tumor in Uterus
  • Leucorrhoea
  • Irregular Menses 
  • Sexual Weakness 
  • Yeast Candida
  • Vaginal Odor 
  • Defect in Uterine 
  • Infertility
  • PMS 
  1. Fibroid Tumors 

Are you feeling heavy pain Pain during intercourse or extended menstrual periods and low back pain with abnormal bleeding during mensuration? 

If all the answers are ‘yes’, You can be the victim of fibroid tumors in your uterus. It’s a common problem for most of the women. Though it’s not malignant, it is the cause of anxiety for every sufferer. 

A fibroid is a non-cancerous cell that grows in the uterus. About 80% of women are the victim of Fibroids tumor. It can be a major headache for the ladies who are about to menopause or who are in pregnancy.

Black cumin seed oil  is conducive to the faster fibroids shrinking without side effects. The dose prescribed by the specialist is one spoonful of black cumin seeds with boil water to take it as healthcare drinks two times. 1 tablespoon of Black cumin seed oil  with honey must renew your health to control the abnormal expansion of fibroid tumor in the uterus. 

  1. Black cumin seed oil  to Treat Leucorrhoea 

The confidence of a young lady diminishes as she has the secret sexual disease. Leucorrhoea affects genitals of a woman. Symptoms of Leucorrhoea include odorous discharge. Yellowish juice is seen dripping through vaginal wall spreading stinking odor. 

The herbal DIY remedy is useful for an economical woman. The medicated mixture containing half liter water and mint leaves needs to be blended with Black cumin seed oil. This health drink should be taken early in the morning before breakfast. Again she has to consume this mixture during bedtime. Over a month, female patients are advised to have this potion to discard leucorrhea. 

The secret of curing female patients affected by Leucorrhea lies in the daily usage of Black cumin seed oil  in the specific amount. For example, mix ½ teaspoon of fresh Black cumin seed oil  to the boiled water to drink. Doctors also recommend pudina leaves extract for preparing the whole mixture in a cup. This natural medication needs to be taken for 40 days. 

  1. Irregular Menses Cure by Black seed

About 70% of women face mensuration disorder at different ages. Heavy bleeding, missed periods, unmanageable mood swings harass a woman’s life. So, they must have suitable inhibitors to manage menstrual abnormality at different stages.

The medicated blend of pudina extract and Black cumin seed oil  can lessen the inflammation and signs of irregularities in the menstruation cycles. It is a fast and easy DIY solution for women to take care of menstrual disturbances. The prescribed dosage of black seeds oil is the ½ teaspoon of this herbal oil with pure extract of pudina leaves to consume before breakfast. 

  1. Black cumin seed oil  for Treating Sexual Weakness

Many women state that the horrible sexual weakness mars their personal life severely. Instead of being addicted to regular over-the-counter medications intake, they must go for Black cumin seed oil . The acceptable dose is ½ tsp of Kalonji oil, 2 teaspoons of honey and ½ teaspoon of jaiphal to manage the symptoms of various sorts of sexual weakness.

This organic medication should be taken once a week. After two weeks, patients have to consult with doctors for continuing the course. 

  1. Recover from Yeast Infection 

Candida yeast infections are common. The infected women experience thick and white discharge just before the period. It results itching and burning in vagina. Women are often going to clinics to have prescribed medications. The simple home based treatment with nutritious Black cumin seed oil  is effective to treat yeast candida. 

Black cumin seed oil  is cool pressed. That means, the herbal juice is collected by putting 10000 pounds pressure on the hard seeds to have the extract. This natural oil has a number of powerful components like Thymoquinone and Selenium. These two special elements have anti-bacterial property.

Whether it is the mild or chronic yeast/Candida, the Black cumin seed oil  will cure patients from the disease. 

The recommended dosage is to consume 3 capsules of Black cumin seed oil  two times a day. Or try to take 1 teaspoon of black seeds oil every morning before completing breakfast. However, patients also stick to the candida management diet till health recovery. 

  1. Vaginal Odor – Home Remedy 

Vagina has the natural characteristic to clean itself and maintain a healthy pH. So, there should not be any abnormal odor in natural condition. If any female person experiences the bad odor in the vagina, she should take care of it. 

Black cumin seed oil  as a part of the DIY home-based remedy. Sometimes, few pieces of yogurt are placed inside the vagina for departing cumbersome odor. The speed of the recovery from discomfiture will be high in the event of the selection of the yogurt, Black cumin seed oil  (1 tablespoon), olive oil (1 tablespoon) plus fresh organic apple cider vinegar.

Insulate the inside and outside of the female organ infected with this blend for at least 20 minutes. A 1-2 spoonful of Black cumin seed oil with honey to taste is the solution for her to reduce vaginal odor. 

  1. Defect in Uterus

Due to the defect in the female reproductive machinery, the child delivery process will be obstructed. It will be a painful procedure for a pregnant woman to bear the child. Gynecologists advise the mother to have pudina juice combined with two spoons of Misri powder along with one teaspoon of kalonji oil in the morning without taking breakfast. The treatment duration is maximum 40 days.

  1. Infertility 

Black seeds oil minimizes causes of infertility. It is a classic medication. Normal dosage is 2 teaspoons of Black cumin seed oil  with Manuka honey. Take one spoon of the mixture in the morning. At night, consume another teaspoon of the blend before hitting the bed.  Besides, one should take chamomile tea with black seeds oil to sip. 

  1. Pre-menstrual Syndrome 

Pre-menstrual pain or cramps affect women before the start of the periods. They cry in severe discomfiture. For fast relief, Black cumin seed oil  is given to women to overtake the cumbersome PMS. It is the best medication for them to survive. Usually, women are given a cup of chamomile tea with one teaspoon of Black cumin seed oil  to control the pre-menstrual syndrome.   


Though numerous medicines, tincture and shots are brought to people, Black cumin seed oil  will get special status. Women are self-reliant and maverick to overtake their own problems. If it is a controllable gynecological disorder, it must be better to have the eco-friendly Black cumin seed oil  to deal with infections in the reproductive mechanism. It will enhance their potentiality to have bliss and premium pleasure in the long run.—Can-the-Black-Seed-Treatment-Cure-Yeast-Infections?&id=5849115 

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