Tag: bosu ball

Home » bosu ball

Safety Tips For Using a Bosu Ball

If you are new to a bosu ball, you may notice that it looks a little unstable or even dangerous. The truth is, you can get hurt using one if you don’t know what you are doing or you overlook some basic safety tips. If you are trying to figure out how to use your...


Overview of Using a Bosu Ball For Fitness

No matter how much in home fitness routines you work through, there is always some form of routine or accessory that you haven’t heard of or know very little about. One of those accessories is a bosu ball. This ball is a half ball that is stabilized on the bottom with either a flat plastic...


Bosu Ball Moves For Killer Abs

When you first look at using bosu balls for your workout routine, you may look at legs and thighs as the prime area of focus. There are other benefits to using a bosu ball. One of those benefits is directly related to your abs. If you are having issues with getting the results you want...

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