Tag: home ownership

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Should you Rent or Buy the Home of Your Dreams?

Should You Buy or Rent a Home? There comes a time when people are faced with the question of if they should continue renting or if they should purchase a home.  Purchasing a home is a good way to secure yourself financially for the future, as long as you can afford it. Renting and buying...


Tips to Help You Safeguard Your Child’s Future

As a parent, you’ve got a lot to think about: not only do you need to consider the welfare of your child now, but also in the future. It can be hard to prepare for what’s to come, particularly when the future is so fraught with uncertainties. That’s why we’ve come up with a few...


Is Your Home Harming Your Health?

Pixabay.com Most people understand the problems you will encounter if you don’t maintain your home properly. Gas leaks, dangerous electrics and mold are all common issues even the least educated DIY expert should know to watch out for. However, there are a few things that can happen in the house that you might not be...

Living Smart Granola