Tag: keto diet

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Isn’t Ketosis Dangerous?

Isn’t Ketosis Dangerous? Disclosure ~ This awesome Keto post contains awesome Keto affiliate links.  No, not at all. Many people confuse ketosis with ketoacidosis and they are not the same at all. In addition, your body fluctuates throughout the day and can be in and out of ketosis. With the ketogenic diet, the purpose is...


What Can You Eat On A Keto Diet

What Can You Eat On A Keto Diet Disclosure ~ This awesome keto post contains awesome keto affiliate links.    The key to a keto diet is to build ketones. And, the key to building ketones is a mixture of fasting and a diet with at least 65% of your food intake being from fat....


How the Keto Diet Works

How The Keto Diet Works Disclosure ~ This awesome post about how the keto diet works, contains awesome affiliate links.  It’s all about ketosis. Attaining it and maintaining it. First, the Keto Diet is similar to many low-carb, high-fat diets. But, there is a difference. That difference is the intentional reduction of carbohydrates to the...


How Do I Know I’m In Ketosis

  How Do I Know I’m In Ketosis? Disclosure ~ This post contains affiliate links.    You are on the ketogenic diet. You are beyond the initial symptoms that come from transitioning into a new diet. You think you are in ketosis, but how do you know for sure? There are some naturally occurring physical...


What is the Keto Diet

Keto Diet Lifestyle Disclosure ~ This post contains affiliate links.   I am sure you have seen all over the internet people talking about the Keto Diet. So, that leaves many people sitting and wondering, what is the keto diet? Maybe this can help you understand more on what the keto diet is. Keep up...

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