Tag: lockdown

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How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

From being stuck inside for many hours while also being quarantined-inside with the rest of the family to the unavoidable financial anxiety that is beginning to dawn on many of us due to the uncertainty of when this global pandemic will actually go away. A lot of worries are understandably starting to manifest among us...


Homeschooling your Child during Quarantine

Homeschooling Your Child During Quarantine Do your need help with homeschooling your child during quarantine? You are not alone.  As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe, businesses and schools are being forced to close their doors. Parents are suddenly finding out that not only do they have to work remotely while being...


Keep Your Family Positive While Social Distancing

Help Keep Your Family Positive While Social Distancing…The world is currently quarantined in order to avoid the path of COVID-19. Both government and health officials implore people to remain in their homes. While this might be a challenging feat for someone who’s an extrovert, it’s definitely impacting everyone across the world. In order to remain...


5 Practical Ways to Spend Quality Time with Your Family

Find New Ways To Spend Time With Your Family Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people are suddenly finding themselves spending all their time at home. It is important to find new ways to spend time with your family. And while this can be an unexpected blessing for many, it’s inevitable that some may find the...


Improve Your Mental Health in 2020

One has truly well said, “Mental health is the true essence of life. If one can find all the secrets to attain perfect mental health, he/she will be enlightened”. This sentence is composed of hardly twenty words but it has meaning far beyond that. We are truly blessed that we are born in the United...


5 Ways to Make Money from Home

During this period of social distancing and self-quarantine, working and making money from the comfort of your home is becoming more pronounced. With the coronavirus pandemic forcing many businesses, shops and establishments to close, many people are now looking for ways that they can increase their income while quarantined inside. While some employers have offered...


5 Fat-Burning Workouts You Can Do at Home

I have been looking for fat burning workouts I can do at home since the gym is no longer an option.  In the wake of the COVID-19 virus, several preventive measures are being put in place to curb its spread and one of this measures is the stay at home order which has confined many...


9 Activities for Kids in Lockdown

Being stuck at home all day with your kids…It can get a bit stale. Am I right? Need some new activities for your kids during lockdown? You can’t have them watching T.V. all day, they aren’t really allowed to socialize with people or other kids. So what do you do to keep yourself from going...

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