Tag: quarantine

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How to Reduce Stress During Quarantine

From being stuck inside for many hours while also being quarantined-inside with the rest of the family to the unavoidable financial anxiety that is beginning to dawn on many of us due to the uncertainty of when this global pandemic will actually go away. A lot of worries are understandably starting to manifest among us...


Is it Safe to Go to the Gym?

Should You Start Going Back to The Gym? Is it Clean Enough? Gyms are starting to reopen. But is it safe to go to the gym? Although there is still a risk that going back to the gym might expose you to the novel coronavirus, there is a way for one to stay safe at...


Celebrate the Holidays during Quarantine

How to Celebrate the Holidays during Quarantine For many of us, the holidays are not complete without merriment, dinner with friends and family, and travel. However, as the coronavirus pandemic is still in view and physical distancing is the new tradition, celebrating the special season this year may be a little bit different. There are...


Homeschooling your Child during Quarantine

Homeschooling Your Child During Quarantine Do your need help with homeschooling your child during quarantine? You are not alone.  As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread across the globe, businesses and schools are being forced to close their doors. Parents are suddenly finding out that not only do they have to work remotely while being...


A Beginners Guide To Homeschooling

A Beginners Guide to Homeschooling Homeschooling can be overwhelming when you are starting.That is why a beginners guide to homeschooling is more important now than ever.  There are so many things to do, read, and remember – you will need to research curriculum options. Decide on the best plan for you and your child. And...


Fun Activities for Kids While Social Distancing

With the advent of the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing has now become one of the most effective ways of curbing the spread of the virus. While schools and other places have been forced to close to firmly put social distancing into practice, parents are left with no other choice than to devise means to keep...


Keep Your Family Positive While Social Distancing

Help Keep Your Family Positive While Social Distancing…The world is currently quarantined in order to avoid the path of COVID-19. Both government and health officials implore people to remain in their homes. While this might be a challenging feat for someone who’s an extrovert, it’s definitely impacting everyone across the world. In order to remain...


How to Work from Home with Kids

With offices and schools closed coupled with the new social distancing norm due to the coronavirus pandemic, many parents are suddenly spending a lot of time at home with their children. This means that quite a number of parents are now being faced with an unfamiliar situation: staying productive while working from home and also...


5 Ways to Make Money from Home

During this period of social distancing and self-quarantine, working and making money from the comfort of your home is becoming more pronounced. With the coronavirus pandemic forcing many businesses, shops and establishments to close, many people are now looking for ways that they can increase their income while quarantined inside. While some employers have offered...


5 Fat-Burning Workouts You Can Do at Home

I have been looking for fat burning workouts I can do at home since the gym is no longer an option.  In the wake of the COVID-19 virus, several preventive measures are being put in place to curb its spread and one of this measures is the stay at home order which has confined many...

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