Tag: workout

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Tips for a Mood Boosting Workout

Top Tips for a Mood Boosting Workout  MOOD BOOSTING WORKOUT TIPS A healthy workout regimen works wonders for both mind and body alike. There is no end to the amount of benefits that some daily exercise can give you.  It has been proven time and again that regular exercise is like rocket fuel for your...


5 Fat-Burning Workouts You Can Do at Home

I have been looking for fat burning workouts I can do at home since the gym is no longer an option.  In the wake of the COVID-19 virus, several preventive measures are being put in place to curb its spread and one of this measures is the stay at home order which has confined many...


The Pros and Cons of Going to a Fitness Gym 

Making a choice is an important part of every process, but the reason why most people fail in their choices is they tend to forget to choose this one informed choice.  An informed choice enables a person to know the real outcomes of his/her choice because they are well aware of their decision’s pros and...


Keep It Fun With Online Workout Videos

  Keep It Fun Disclosure ~  This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links, at no additional cost to you. I appreciate your support.    Working out from home doesn’t mean you’re limited to go walk or run. You can mix it up and...

Living Smart Granola