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What is Hatha Yoga

You may already know there are several types of yoga out there. In fact, that knowledge may be what started you on the path to finding out what type of yoga may be suitable to your needs and to your lifestyle. Hatha yoga is appealing to many people for a variety of reasons. If you...


Bedtime Yoga For Better Sleep

When you start a sleep routine, you may be looking for a routine that is for better sleep and relaxation. The closest you get to having yoga in your sleep routine is to add it in as a meditation option in the lotus position. You may not even think about yoga as something that can...


Five Types of Yoga

While Hatha yoga is an excellent option for beginners, you may also want to explore some other types of yoga with a little more practice. Here are 5 more types of yoga and Pilates worth checking out. This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase I will earn a small advertising fee at...

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