Yoga has so many benefits, but different styles of yoga bring entirely new health and wellness aspects. Today let’s explore different styles and the biggest benefits of Yoga for your life.

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Vinyasa Yoga

In Vinyasa yoga, you are constantly moving through the poses and moving with the ebb and flow of your body. Vinyasa Yoga features fluid, almost dance-like movements that increase flexibility, strength, and stamina. While calming the mind and improving overall health. This form of yoga offers an impressive big benefit;  increased flexibility.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini is considered an all-inclusive yoga because you can gain meditation aspects, stress release, flexibility, weight loss, cardio workouts, and core workouts throughout the body. But, the biggest benefit of Kundalini yoga is improved relaxation and improved breathing.

Bikram Yoga

The belief is that the heat in the room helps to open the mind and body and that it will help produce higher levels of cardio and weight loss results. Also known as Hot Yoga. It can detox your skin, and the heat levels help your muscles to expand and increase flexibility.

Ashtanga Yoga

Based on an ancient Indian form that was used for spiritual and body awareness as one unit; the Ashtanga style of yoga offers a benefit of  increased circulation. Ashtanga yoga builds core strength and tones the body as well.

Pilates Yoga – Is it yoga or exercise?

People who need to drop weight quickly may use pilates yoga, while there are many misconceptions about pilates and if it counts as yoga, it certainly does! Yoga and Pilates compliment each other to provide big benefits like weight loss and lengthening the side body. Pilates helps to improve focus on movement and poses within your yoga routine. Pilates Yoga is both, yoga and exercise!

You can find more Yoga Resources here

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