There are literally thousands upon thousands of brands of cooking oil that you can use
for cooking your food. In recent years people have been trying to find healthy sources of
oil to use for cooking because of the makeup that some oils have which causes them to
change to unsafe compounds during the heating process. Healthier options for cooking
oils have gone so far as to incorporate CBD into them for the benefit of the consumer,
but you might be wondering how to cook with CBD oil. The following article will share a
few tips on cooking with CBD oil.

Be Conservative

If this is your first time trying to cook with CBD oil, then it’s a good time for you to learn
that it’s always a good idea to remain conservative when adding it into your food. If you
don’t know how much to put in yet, then you can end up with a mess instead of tasty
treats. This means a lot of wasted money because of the amount of ingredients. If you
need to experiment, use smaller amount of ingredients and be ready to record what the
last amount was so that you can know how you made that last snack so delicious.

Store It Well

CBD oil can do decently without being kept in the refrigerator, but you will still want to
keep it out of sight, because light and other actors can weaken its potency. Not only
that, but it could change the flavor of the oil, which might make you food taste strange.

It Is Temperature Sensitive

One of the most challenging things about CBD oil is that it is very sensitive to high
temperatures. When the oil is warmed properly, it can make it more concentrated and
effective, but anything beyond that could destroy the benefits of the oil. At temperatures
higher than 350 degrees Fahrenheit, the CBD will break down. Another unfortunate side
of this, is that the oil when heated at too high a temperature will begin to taste more

Stir It and Don’t Stop Stirring

When you’re working with CBD, you don’t want it to sit in one spot on the pan to allow it
to be heated to heavily. Keeping it moving will help keep the temperature down, and
make sure that they oil is distributed properly through your food so that you can get nice
even cooking coverage.

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