Of all the workouts available to you, the one that is most talked about with little known
about how it works is Plyo. You may have heard about plyo and you may know that it
should work for your goals. What you likely don’t know is how it works, what to expect,
and how to make it work for you. Here are a few tips to help you get started with plyo
workouts and what you should know to get through your first few workout sessions.

Keep a Routine

The first tip to get the most of your pylo workout is to keep a routine. You want to handle
this in the same way you would do a flowing HIIT routine. This means you need to make
sure you are choosing exercises that flow into the next one easily. For example, figure
out a routine that goes from push-ups into squat thrusts rather than something like
push-ups into a lunge thrust or long jump. By keeping a routine with your moves, you
can go from one move to the next and keep your cardio and speed up.

Add When You are Ready

As you start to look into plyo workouts you will start to find that you start off with the
basic move and then start adding claps and additional jumps into the routine. This is to
help to give you a stumbling block so you end up having something to push your speed
and movements. With that in mind, do not add too many of these additions until you are
ready. If you try it and feel like the claps are too much, lower them to one move. For
example, instead of adding extras to all your routine movements, just try adding a clap
in between your pushups.

Use Reps to Help Your Speed

Plyo will allow you to personalize your workout and use your body resistance to help
reach your goals. One of the key aspects of a workout like plyo are the reps you do for
each cycle. You can use these reps to help build your speed and keep track of it. Time
yourself for each rep. Keep a log of your time and try to beat that time. You can add
reps or lower them as you need to adjust. You may find that as you add different
additions, like claps and jumps, that you need to add or reduce your reps to help your
speed and get the most of your workout.

By keeping these tips in mind, you will be able to construct your plyo workout and the
after-workout session to make it work for you. As you go through your workouts, you will
start to see more tips that will help and more ways that a plyo workout may be ideal for

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