gain muscle

5 Tips To Gain Muscle

If one wants to go to the gym, he needs sheer determination and patience. Gym sessions are of no use if a person keeps skipping them occasionally. Thus, the hard work of training your body against stress is only for those who want to see a change in their body as well as mentality.Here are some tips to gain muscle. 

Many boys who want to work out are reluctant at first but slowly adapt to the change around them. This change usually makes them even stronger at mind, which adds to their overall growth. Many are still wondering how to start exercising properly and keep asking their friends and other people they know for tips. Here are some of the most beneficial pointers for muscle gain workout for skinny guys.

Developing Your Mindset

Arguably, working out without setting goals for yourself is of no use. This is one of the greatest tips to gain muscle. You can pump and tire your muscles with hard work, but if you don’t have a vision for this purpose, it’s a waste of time. For proper development, one needs to set proper goals. These goals can vary in a matter of time limit, such as a month or even a year. But, one should work with a proper idea about the aim.

Many guys who fail to find any progress in workouts is because they do not have the patience necessary for this task. They want to see quick results when muscle gains don’t come as a miracle. This process requires a lot of time, and one needs to be very patient with the time he gives to his body.

Proper Exercises

For guys starting anew at the gym, lifting those heavy dumbbells won’t prove any more beneficial than ordinary chin-ups. Dumbbells are usually associated with exercises that focus on a single group of muscles. They are more useful for professionals who have spent substantial time at the gym. 

Many bodybuilding professionals and trainers advise working on the machines first instead of using separate equipment. In short, beginners should focus more on compound exercises. These exercises are more beneficial because they involve more sets of muscles. Exercises like deadlift, squats, and chin-ups use more muscle groups than the fancy machines, and they’re considered as the signature exercises for these purposes.

Proper Use of Equipment

There is no need to use those machines and equipment in a hurry. One should train slowly and give the proper load to muscles to reap the maximum benefit of the exercise. There are three important points to consider when doing any exercise or using any machine:

  • Your orientation and position should be easy for maximum loading.
  • Whichever exercise you wish to do, it shouldn’t be painful.
  • The exercise should enable you to feel the muscle.

Amateurs usually do not give attention to their form and carelessly go on with their gym routine. This results in the tiring of muscles and they complain of sore muscles all day. For proper utilization and development of muscles, one should maintain his form, execution, and muscular tension.

Another common mistake that guys usually make during their early days at the gym is to perform the wrong range of reps. Sure, the body needs the reps to cause the right type of growth, but it also requires the precise range of reps. The best rep range for the early days is 6-8 reps. This range doesn’t cause much trouble for the body and prepares it for the challenges ahead. 

Diet Plan

Following a healthy diet plan is as essential as exercise. A beginner won’t receive the slightest change in his gains if he keeps lifting weights, but his diet is poor in terms of nutrients. For this purpose, a healthy diet consisting solely of proteins and carbohydrates is essential.

Fats are also good if one takes them in the amounts necessary for the body. Otherwise, the muscles will have a layer of fat around them. One shouldn’t forget to keep his vitamins and minerals normal, but monitoring the number of proteins and carbs in the diet is vital to success.

Restricting to a three-time diet is not enough. The body runs out of nutrients to keep the metabolism and other functions going on. So, a guy should keep adding those nutrients to his body at regular intervals. Protein-rich snacks and meals such as eggs, nuts, oats, fish, and chicken should be a major component of the diet.

Recovery Period

As much as the muscles need load, they need time to recover as well. Proper sleep is vital to the growth of muscles as they change during this time. If one keeps working out but doesn’t give the body ample time to heal, they’re harming their body.

Sessions also matter a lot in this case. The best routine for a workout to reap the benefits is four days of the gym in a week. For guys that need more time to recover, this can drop to three days a week as well. Depending on a person’s strength and metabolism, he should consider how many days of work he should put in a week. 


Even after so many guidelines and instructions, many boys are still anxious to join the gym because of fears. They need encouragement and support rather than looks of judgment. If one sees another guy working out in a reserved manner, he should step forward and guide him and make him feel comfortable about his activity. After all, everyone desires to be fit and muscular, and it requires a lot of guts to start from scratch.

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