Before using strategies to relieve a toothache, first try to identify which tooth is causing the pain and check if the region is inflamed with the presence of pus, since in these cases it may be necessary to take antibiotics prescribed by a dentist.

The leading causes of tooth pain are cavities, food debris between the teeth, a blow to the mouth that could break or cause small fissures in the teeth and the birth of wisdom teeth.

Causes Of Tooth Pain

Causes of tooth pain are the following:

  • The accumulation of food and debris between the teeth, especially if the teeth are separated.
  • Inflammation or infection of the root of a tooth or gums.
  • Trauma to a tooth, such as an injury or even teeth grinding.
  • Sudden fracture of a tooth or the root of a tooth.
  • A split of the tooth that occurs over time.
  • Teeth that are coming out through the gum, as in the case of teething or wisdom teeth that do not have enough space to leave or to develop normally (wisdom teeth retained).
  • A sinus infection that can feel like dental pain.
  • Tooth pain often requires some type of treatment with the emergency dentist phoenix.

7 Steps To Follow To Relieve a Toothache:

Flossing And Brushing Teeth

Flossing is important to remove any food that has been trapped between the teeth and may be leaving the region inflamed and sore. After passing the thread, you should brush your teeth carefully, avoiding making much strength in the sensitive area.

Rinse With Salt Water

Rinsing the mouth with water and salt will help cleanse and fight the microorganisms that are causing the pain. You should dilute 1 tsp of salt in 1 glass of water and rinse the mouth with the mixture for 30 seconds, one time per hour, taking care not to swallow the water.  

Use Indian Clove

Nail oil from India has analgesic and antibacterial properties, helping to fight infections, relieve pain and inflammation. To use it, two drops of oil should be placed directly on the inflamed wheel or with the help of a swab, three times a day.

Rinse With Marcela Tea And Propolis

The Marcela tea has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, while the propolis has healing and antibacterial action, and therefore the two help to relieve pain and clean the area that is inflamed. You should add five drops of propolis for each cup of Marcela tea, making rinses with the mixture two times per day.

Place Ice

To help relieve pain faster, an ice pack can be placed on the face, near the painful region, taking care not to burn the skin covering the ice with a clean cloth. The ice should remain on the site for 15 minutes, and the process should be repeated three times a day.

Take Medications

To relieve pain, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medications such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen can also be used. However, care should be taken only to give medicines to children with authorization from the doctor.

Go To The Dentist

Home remedies help relieve pain and solve the problem if it is nothing serious, but if after 2 days a toothache does not pass, or if there is pus in the local area and frequent bleeding, you should go to the dentist so that He will identify the cause of the problem and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Home Remedies For a Toothache

Next, we are going to offer you a series of home remedies to eliminate a toothache:

Ice Against Pain

Apply ice in cases where there is advanced caries, and a phlegmon develops, it is convenient to place ice externally in the jaw. Wrap it in a piece of fabric to prevent the direct contact with the cold from burning your skin.

Gargle With Water And Salt

When we have some kind of wound in the mucous membranes or after extraction, a rinse based on sea salt (a spoonful) and water will help us thanks to its healing power.


If an accumulation of food debris causes the pain, deep hygiene with dental floss and interproximal brushes can improve the condition of your mouth and reduce discomfort.

Chew Parsley

The various parsley compounds are beneficial as a preventive level for a toothache since it lowers the bacterial load in the mouth.

Apply Nail Oil

The nail is a spice with many antibacterial, antiseptic and anesthetic properties so the direct application of clove based oil will serve as prevention to prevent bacteria from developing inside the mouth. In the case of not having clove oil, we can choose to grind about four cloves to obtain a powder that we will introduce in a bag made with a coffee filter.

Keep Your Head Up

Lifting your head especially at night, when sleeping, helps relieve the pressure exerted on the painful area.

Black Tea Against Pain

Put yourself a black tea bag: black tea, thanks to its high content of tannic acid, which is characterized by being anti-inflammatory and analgesic, will help reduce pain when we suffer a periodontal abscess or inflammation of the mucous membranes. Apply a small bag once moistened in warm water in the area of the molar and repeated it several times a day when the pain reappears.

Use Garlic

Thanks to its antibacterial properties, and despite the foul breath it produces, garlic is an excellent preventive remedy against oral diseases.

Clean The Area With Hydrogen Peroxide

Moisten a cotton or cotton swab in hydrogen peroxide and apply it on the wheel making sure it is well soaked. The hydrogen peroxide act helping relieves pain.

Take An Analgesic Or Anti-Inflammatory

The anti-inflammatory will help lower the inflammation of the gum, and the analgesic will reduce pain. Take them only when prescribed by a doctor or dentist since their consumption without control can cause ulcers or severe problems in allergic people.

Final Verdict

Hence you use any of the above methods or take help of emergency dentist phoenix to get relief from teeth pain. We hope our mentioned remedies and care-curing methods will definitely help you out in reliving your teeth pain effectively.

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