Why Exercising Is The Way Forward

For most of us, it takes a lot of energy and motivation to get out and exercise.  It is always easier to sit on the couch and check out the latest movies on Netflix.  But, even though we may think we feel better just lounging around, it is actually hurting our mood.  

When we exercise, we release endorphins that help alter our moods.  You just naturally feel better after a good workout. And, believe it or not, you even feel better after what you may consider a bad workout.

So, get off your couch, find a workout buddy, and change the way you feel forever!

Decrease Your Stress

Studies report that it only takes five minutes to start feeling better when exercising.  When you exercise, it doesn’t have to be full tilt to the max. For reducing stress, it is suggested that you actually do a low to moderate workout.  Whether you want to go for a walk, take a jog, or participate in yoga, all are perfect options to help reduce your stress. Check out living smart girl’s blog on different exercising ideas that you can participate in.

This is a healthier way of dealing with stress.  Too many times we feel that isolating ourselves or going out to a bar is the way to relieve stress.  Unfortunately, stress leads to very negative addictions. If you feel that you have an addiction of some kind due to stress, try exercising instead.  You can also communicate with a stop drinking expert as a starting point.  Stopping addicting habits and exercising will instantly change the way you feel about yourself and your life in general.

Mental Strength

When you work out, it helps to completely clear your mind.  You are so focused on the exercise at hand that you allow those clouding thoughts to vanish.  Pushing yourself through difficult exercises shows how mentally tough you can be. Being able to prove to yourself that you are mentally tough will help you through stressful situations.  You become extremely proud of yourself and want to push yourself even further. This mental toughness will carry on into other parts of your life and ultimately lead to your happiness.

Immune System Boost

Studies have been shown that exercise helps to eliminate bacteria from our lungs and flush out carcinogens by increasing the activity in helping to drain waste from your body.  Check out effects of exercise on immune system for even more reasons why this can help your immune system.  And it is no secret that the better you feel, the happier you will be.

Stress has a big impact on your immune system and can lead to an illness.  When you exercise you will release those stress related hormones and having less stress hormones in your system, you will feel healthier.

And one final note about your immune system.  Working out too hard can have an adverse effect on your immune system.  Intense exercise can lower your immunity. So, it is important to be careful if you aren’t feeling great and you work out too much.  You don’t want to hang out with people who are ill after because you will be more susceptible to catching what they have. You can certainly work out hard, but just be careful what you do post workout.  Resting and having some post workout nutrition is probably your best bet.

Increased Energy

When you work out, you start to get yourself in shape.  When you feel like you are in shape, you are more apt to stay active every day.  This opens up your platform of things that you can do in life. You will be more willing to try physical activities that you may have avoided in the past.  Having the ability to participate in new activities will ultimately lead to a happier life.


Many people today struggle to get a good night’s sleep.  Exercising will help to change that. When we fall asleep, our body temperature drops, which helps you to sleep.  If you can get a good 30-minute workout in several hours before going to sleep, it will help your body temperature drop even lower, which will lead to a better night’s sleep.  With a good night’s sleep, you will have increased energy throughout the day. It’s amazing how everything ties in together!

Lower Anxiety

Studies also prove that active people are less depressed than inactive people.  It makes sense that when you are active you feel good about yourself and thus would lead to less likelihood of feeling depressed.  And, once you feel the need to exercise every day, it will become a healthy addictive habit that you won’t want to miss. You will notice that you will feel worse about yourself when you don’t work out, which will motivate you to keep up with your program.

Feel Better About YOU!

You know yourself better than anyone else.  Believe in yourself and what you can accomplish each day.  Exercising can be tough to get motivated for, but after you work out several times and notice a difference in your look and in your mood, you will want to continue.  Find what works best for you and try to find a partner to join you on your journey. If you have someone that is pushing you along with themselves, you will find greater success.

Set goals for yourself to accomplish and make sure they are attainable.  If you want to run a marathon, set goals for a 5K, 10K, and so on first. You want to be able to achieve goals and see success instead of setting goals that will take a long time to achieve.  You don’t want to set goals that will leave you feeling discouraged when you don’t immediately reach them.

You deserve to be happy and exercising is one step to help you achieve that goal.  You got this!

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like.”

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