disabilities and family

It is approximated that around 54 million people in America have some form of disability, according to the Survey of Income and Program Participation. The truth of the matter is that disabilities come in many forms, and there is still a lack of true understanding about them. Raising a family with awareness about disabilities can help – and even yield long-term benefits.

Better Preparation For The Future

Not all disabilities are inherent at birth. Roughly 2% of the American population is living with disabilities as a result of a traumatic brain injury, according to the CDC. Raising a family with awareness about disabilities helps better prepare them for such a reality. This provides your children and other family members with the education to make wise decisions. This helps  to safeguard themselves in the event that an injury occurs in the future. This may involve getting better insurance coverage, setting up trusts for children and grandchildren, and many other precautions. Awareness is the key to creating safety nets.

Curbing Ableism

Ableism refers to the beliefs and attitudes of individuals that tend to belittle or place smaller values on the lives of those with disabilities, according to The Stop Ableism Organization. It could be something that you may have not considered. Like asking inadvertently personal or intimate questions regarding the quality of life or habits of a person with a disability. Cerebral Palsy Family Network report that it is only through sharing proper information and connecting families that social hindrances can be finally addressed. As such, it is important to sufficiently educate your family about it to curb ableism effectively.

Creating Better Citizens

Negative perceptions  regarding disability are detrimental to the success of individuals with additional needs, according to Cecelia Williamson. The lack of empathy and understanding impacts its way into policy and laws. They are not provided a strong enough awareness of disabilities. When you spend time educating respect and equal treatment of those with disabilities, you help create better citizens. By raising a family from whom a person with a disability can obtain support, you help to snip away prejudices.

When you raise your family with an understanding of disability, you help to create a better environment. They always say that the children are the future. If there is anything that you may pass on, it is the wisdom to have empathy. And that may create better individuals to inherit the world.

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