The whey protein comprises eight proteins obtained from milk. These proteins include Lysozyme, Lactoperoxidase, Lactoferrin, Bovine serum albumin, Immunoglobulins, Alpha-lactalbumin, Glycomacropeptide, and Beta-lactoglobulin.

 While making cheese, manufacturers typically add some enzymes to milk to help curdle it. This helps in separating solid milk curds from liquid whey. 

By removing the solid curds, liquid whey protein will remain. The whey is then pasteurized to kill any bacteria before drying it to obtain whey protein powder.

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Whey Protein Types

There are three main types of whey proteins:


Hydrolysate is a protein with peptides (long chains). It’s easy to digest because the long chains are quickly broken down into shorter chains. 

Hydrolysate is present in many infant formulas and medical supplements, especially those that deal with nutritional deficiencies.


Isolate is low in lactose or fat but has a high percentage of proteins. It is mainly used in protein supplements, including drinks and bars. Isolate is suitable for lactose-intolerant people. However, it isn’t ideal for those with milk allergies.


The concentrate is also easy to digest, explaining why it’s used in many infant formulas. Whey products containing concentrate have varying amounts of fat, lactose, and protein.

What Are The Benefits Of Whey Protein?

Whey protein can help you in the following ways:

Building Muscles

Your muscles are built using proteins. Whey protein is a complete protein with branched-chain amino acids, making it the best protein for building muscles.

Wound Healing

Whey protein contains amino acids which are the building blocks for tissues and skin repair after a surgery or when wounded.

Nutritional Boost And Weight Gain

If you want to gain weight, the easiest and healthiest way to do so is to consume whey protein. 

Whey protein will also come in handy if you’ve had an illness for a long time and need a nutritional boost. 

Whey supplement is essential if you can’t get sufficient protein from other sources like whole foods, especially if you lack appetite or have swallowing/chewing disorders.

Weight Loss

Whey protein can help you burn more fat and gain lean muscles. In one study involving 158 people, those who were given whey protein lost more weight than the people in the control group.

Anti-Cancer Properties

Whey concentrate has anti-cancer properties. Scientists recommend more research on this.

Lowering Cholesterol Levels

Whey protein can lower LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in the body.


Whey protein can boost immune response in asthmatic children.

Cardiovascular Disease And Blood Pressure

According to a study appearing in the International Dairy Journal, beverages containing whey protein can reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This, in effect, lowers their risk of developing stroke or heart disease.


As you can see, whey protein is good for your health. For you to benefit from whey protein, you need only to consume it in the right amounts. 

Your body can only accept between 20g to 40g of protein at one time. Taking more than this won’t help. Finally, it’s best to contact your doctor before using protein whey supplements.

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