Hemp fabric has been used for more than 10,000 years. That comes as no surprise for numerous reasons. In this article, we will explain why people have kept relying on this exquisite material throughout history, why it is so good for the environment, and what is the future of hemp clothing. 

hemp clothing

Hemp Is Eco-Friendly and Safe to Use 

Every continent (except Antarctica, for obvious reasons) has a long history of growing hemp. Probably the oldest crop known to humankind, hemp is a strain of Cannabis sativa that does not contain THC.  This plant is not only grown for fibers used to make fabric, but it can also be used to make food and medicine.

The widely used cotton plant is typically treated with pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, etc. All of these chemicals pollute soil and water and directly affect not only our health but the health of people who grow it as well.

On the other hand, hemp is incredibly resistant to harsh environments as opposed to some other plants, and it is not treated with chemicals. Therefore, it is safe for clothing production. Not only that, soil and water used in the process remain unpolluted and can be used for further cultivation. 

Garments Made From This Plant Are of High Quality 

Hemp fabric is exceptionally durable. Compared to cotton, garments made from hemp do not get worn out and have been proven to be four times stronger. After years of use, hemp clothes only get softer and more comfortable to wear.

Production of these garments has a much lower water footprint. As opposed to many other crops, hemp cultivation does not require complex irrigation systems or specific soil. Hemp needs at least four times less water to grow than cotton, and it is often rain fed. That is why it is among the first plants grown for textile fiber.

Hemp clothing naturally protects your skin. Clothes made from these fibers are 99.9% effective in blocking UVA and UVB rays that cause skin cancer. That will likely revolutionize the fashion industry as we know it.

These are incredibly resistant to bacteria growth and odor. The fabric made from this plant is known for its antimicrobial properties. Such properties allow a more hygienic alternative for clothing, especially underwear. As the odor comes mostly from bacterial activity, it is much easier to maintain cleanliness and save all the water needed for washing these clothes more often. 

Hemp garments retain color very well. The high water absorbency of hemp fibers allows a much easier, effective, and longer-lasting dyeing of these fabrics, making the color last for years. 

It Can Help the American Economy Grow

Up until recently, it was illegal to grow hemp in the United States due to the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. However, back in 2018, the Drumpf administration approved the Farm Bill, which now allows countrywide hemp production. This means we can expect many hemp garments to hit clothing store shelves soon.

Some results of the bill are already visible, especially if we consider that the United States no longer have to bargain with China. Even though it might take time to see this industry flourish entirely, we could soon see a plethora of all-American clothing brands that use nothing but hemp fibers.

Still, growing hemp and making clothes require a massive workforce. That can lead to new job openings and the improvement of employment rates that will boost the economy. 

The Bottom Line

All in all, there is much to expect from this marvelous plant in the future. One of the main things to look out for is all the hemp clothes we will likely be wearing within the next couple of years. While these clothes are durable, comfortable, and safe, they also help save the environment. Is it high time we switched to hemp clothes? Only time will tell, but we certainly cannot wait for all the hemp-tastic clothing lines. What are your thoughts? Leave us a comment below. 

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