Addiction is not specific to gender. Both men and women are prone to the effects of substance abuse. When it comes to women, however, there are some differences in the addiction experience. Women may fall prey to drug use accidentally after a prescription or due to emotional issues. Men are more likely to become addicted because of their natural tendency to take risks. Women, interestingly, are less likely to become addicted to drugs in the first place. Once they do begin taking drugs, women become addicted more quickly. Increased fatalities may also occur in females. It is important to know how women are affected so they can be treated properly when they enter a treatment program.


Women’s bodies are thought to be more sensitive than men’s when it comes to the effects of drugs. They may become addicted faster and have a more difficult time quitting. Hormone fluctuations throughout the month also make the sensations from drug use more pronounced. Death from addiction is common among women, as well.

Delaying Help

Women seem to shy away from getting help for their addiction problems more than men do. They are often concerned about being labeled or judged. Responsibilities at home may also keep women from checking in to treatment centers. There may be children at home to take care of, for example. Fear of losing children, a job, and respect are common reasons that women fail to admit to their addiction. Women also feel the burden to continue caring for others, even when they are not healthy.

The stigma of addiction weighs heavily on women, as they are expected to be perfectly responsible as caretakers for the entire family. Even young women on their own may feel the pressure to be perfectly responsible. This can cause stress and depression that leads to even more drug use. it is imperative that women with addiction have a supportive family or network of friends.

Treatment Options

Women have the same treatment choices as men, yet they may need more convincing to get there. It can be refreshing to go away from home for treatment. Many reputable rehabilitation centers are in beautiful, natural areas out of the city. These can offer women a chance to get away from the daily stressors of their lives and focus on their own health.  Ibogaine treatment centers are often located in Mexico, South America, and Canada. These centers focus on Treating addiction with a psychedelic. This alternate treatment is making it easier for individuals to recover and successfully return to their lives at home.

Women, or any addict, should take the time to research various treatment options. It can be difficult to admit there is a problem. Women often feel like they must hold the family together. They do not have time to be ill or fall apart. It is best to show support for a woman with an addiction, so she feels safe seeking treatment. Concerns about kids, work, and a reputation may hold them back.


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