Yoga Poses to Boost Energy

Boost Energy

For most people, having a sleepless night is pretty much an inevitability sometimes. It can be very difficult to achieve the sleep that you need if you’re not currently in an environment conducive to sleep.

With that being said, there are a few things you can do to boost energy after a sleepless night, such as yoga. Yoga works well because it keeps your body limber and active, and helps give your brain a good jumpstart toward a healthier day.

The benefits of yoga

In terms of yoga, there are some misconceptions with it. First off, your image of yoga might be of upper-class people doing strange poses in a classroom, but this isn’t the full the. Yoga is accessible to everyone and brings active, everyday benefits that you can reap.

Yoga can be a suitable alternative to other forms of exercise, because yoga doesn’t require any sort of intensive setup or equipment to get started. You really only need just an empty space to do it in. There are a few things that could benefit your yoga practice — such as appropriate clothing and possibly a yoga mat — but these aren’t necessarily required if you just want to jump in immediately.

With yoga, you could be feeling a benefit almost instantly. This can include feeling better overall and having more energy to get things done throughout the day.

As with anything, yoga does require some preparation before getting into it. You should be aware of starting positions and proper foundations ahead of time. Having this knowledge beforehand can be key in having a successful yoga session.

If you are suffering from any kind of physical ailment, you might want to be careful and check in with a doctor before starting a new yoga routine, as you might end up further hurting yourself if you’re not entirely careful.

Once you are officially ready to start, you’ll be well on your way to getting an energy boost from doing daily yoga poses. Yoga can do very well for exhaustion, helping to alleviate all the problems that a lack of sleep leads to, such as excessive daytime sleepiness.

The different types of yoga poses

In yoga, there are varying types of yoga poses that help different sections of your body. You should know what these are and what body part they most affect, so you can do the poses that are the most right for you and your health.

You wouldn’t put the wrong type of gas in your car, so you shouldn’t apply the wrong pose to an area of your body that you don’t want to work on. Knowing these ahead of time can help drastically reduce frustration in the long term.

If you’re ever stuck and don’t know exactly where to start, you can always do some basic poses to get in activity either way. Doing yoga at all will have immense benefits for your health in the long run.


Poses for boosting energy

There are yoga poses that are perfect for giving you more energy after a restless night. We’ve compiled a few below for you to check out. After knowing these, you’ll be well on your way to more energy:

-Cat Pose

This pose should do wonders for the stomach and spine

For this, you need to make sure you’re in a tabletop position, or basically have your hands and knees meet the ground until you’re on all fours.  Once you’re in this exact position, look directly down towards the floor, exhale, and arc your back upward, keeping your entire body locked in position, then drop your head. Inhale, then repeat the pose as many times as needed.

If you have any type of injury around the neck area, you should consult a doctor first, as this might add even further to tissue damage.

-Child’s pose (Balasana)

This works very well on the ankles, hips, and thighs and is one of the easiest poses you can do to help boost energy.

First, you need to be in a kneeling position on the floor. Then, you should keep your toes together as you rest on your heels, making sure to keep them hips distance apart. You should then exhale and lean forward until your torso meets the floor.

Press on the floor with your hands and push your shoulders forward until they point towards the ground. Inhale, then exhale, and repeat.

-Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch)

This also works on your wrists, shoulders, hips, and hamstrings — making it excellent for strengthening the legs.

Start off by standing in a straight mountain pose (Tadasana). From here, you need to separate your legs a few feet apart, then you’ll want your left foot to turn towards the right by about 45 degrees, then your right should make a 90 degree turn. Keep both feet parallel with each other, turn your torso towards the right, then push your thighs inward.

Exhale, lean your torso towards your right leg, then push forward.This can do a lot to help improve concentration, posture, and balance.


Yoga can be great for giving you a much-needed energy boost when you haven’t gotten much rest. It may be daunting at first to start, but it’s easier than you think. With the right poses and prep, you can be yoga fit in no time and feel much more energized.



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