Tips for Starting a Plant Based Diet

“Healthy eating is a way of life, so it’s important to establish routines that are simple, realistically, and ultimately livable.”     

Arthur Agatston


I began a plant based diet about 5 years ago and took it even more seriously after I had my daughter. It started slowly, very much a gradual process. I remember replacing chips with baby carrots… and drinking almond milk in place of skim milk. I realized the more whole foods I ate, the more energy I had to play with my daughter. My moods were even, and my sleep habits improved.  On top of that, I never had to count calories and my skin has never looked better. To say the least…it is totally worth it! 

There is so much talk about the plant based diet. The benefits physically, and environmentally. I am not here to make you feel bad about eating meat… I myself have the occasional fish. Crab legs are the best thing in the universe to me. If there is a special occasion…you will see me with a bib and a smile. Yup, meat and I are buds. 

My point, is that you can find a balance. Gradually adding healthy foods into your diet will make you feel like you are not depriving yourself.  Just because you are adding more vegetables to your diet, or being on a “plant based diet” does not mean giving up the food you love. Why be on a diet if it makes you miserable? Finding a balance is key. 

“There is no one giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps.” 

9 Tips for Starting a Plant Based Diet

  1. Start slow!  Find a few plant based meals and rotate them throughout the week. Find ones that your family finds familiar, and slowly add new ones from there. Let’s say your farmers marketsfamily loves tacos , or chili. You can still make the meals your family loves. They will just be healthier and feel better after eating them.  Tacos are a great way to introduce a new grain like quinoa. A little tip-  I cook quinoa in unsweetened almond milk and a scoop of hummus. It comes out creamy and delicious….trust me!
  2. Cut down on meat and dairy. Instead of cutting out the food group completely, just reduce the amount of it on your plate. Add more veggies. Slowly build from there
  3. Start adding meat replacements into your favorite recipes. Like stir fries
  4. Start with breakfast. It’s the easiest.  I start my morning with a bowl of steel cut oats. It is a filling breakfast that will tide me over to the next meal, or try a filling smoothie.
  6. There is so much vegan junk food. Look for label with the shortest list of ingredients. We want whole foods. Easy to digest. Foods that will make your body happy!
  7. Keep your fridge filled with healthy ready to go snacks. Have your veggies and fruits cut and ready to go. Make a container of brown rice for the week in your fridge. This will make it easy to throw together meals. This way making a rice bowl, or a burrito will take no time at all. Try building your own Buddha bowl
  8. Sneak the veggies in. You can easily put shredded carrots in a sauce. Use cauliflower instead of rice. replace white potato with sweet potatoes. Personally, i sneak so many veggies in a quiche for my family.  
  9. Be mindful of how you prep your foods. The difference between steaming rather than using heavy oils, broiling instead of frying, baking instead of sautéing, It all adds up.

After a few weeks you will see a difference. In your skin, your energy level. You will not have to count those cursed calories. There are so many amazing recipes these days, you will not feel deprived. It is amazing what they do with cashews these  days. 

The trick is don’t over complicate things. Foods in their most natural form is always best. The last thing your body wants is processed foods and refined sugars. 

Lastly….every transition takes some getting used to. It is hard. We are creatures of habit. Just remember, be kind to yourself!

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