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7 Tips to Get Back in Shape After a Baby

Walking on the DNR Canal There are a few things that happened to me after I had my daughter. Of course the overwhelming feeling of love and devotion. A very close second was the most intense exhaustion I have ever experienced. Because of this, I felt like I had no choice but to be in...


Living the Best and Healthiest Life

An important part of living the best life is taking care of the vessel in which it is lived. Having a healthy and working body is the only way to get out into the world and do fun things. Science has yet to get to the point where we can simply replace body parts as...


9 Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

It was my daughter’s 3rd birthday last week, and we had the best idea. Let’s go to a trampoline park! I told her it was a bouncy castle that mommy and daddy can go into. Only it was bigger and had no walls. I have never seen her so excited, her mind was blown. Just...


Healthy Living with the Whole30 Diet

  One of the most exciting things about starting a new eating journey is the thought of losing weight and getting healthy. While any whole food path that you choose will help you to get healthy, finding a path that will help you lose weight can sometimes be more complicated. Many times the simple act...


7 Easy Ways to Eat Healthy in College

There are so many factors that influence the eating habit of college students. Due to their busy schedules, the stress that comes from assignments and late nights studying for exams, students can find themselves taking up bad eating habits.  You need to understand that the food you eat determines how productive you can be. You...


Vegan Keto Diet

What is Vegan Keto and What Can You Eat?! The vegan keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet that excludes all animal-based foods. We have all heard of the keto diet,  and we have all heard of the vegan diet. Both of these lifestyles are taking the world by storm. But, I never heard...


7 Healthy Holiday Eating Tips

Eat your Veggies There are so many yummy vegetable recipes that you can spice up for the holidays. My suggestion is to fill half your plate with them and eat them first. That way you don’t fill up entirely on the unhealthy stuff. Eat the stuff you love. Just make sure to savor each bite....


Clean Eating Made Easy

“A healthy outside starts from the inside.” Robert Urich When you first get started eating clean, you have two options. You can go cold turkey and give up all the junk food, sugar, processed food etc. all at once, or you can opt for a more gradual change. There are advantages and disadvantages to each...


Healthy Alternatives to Your Favorite Processed Foods

Congratulations… you decided to “eat clean” but what happens when you’re doing well for a few days enjoying new recipes? Then you start to miss your favorite processed foods. Packing a lunch is hard when making sandwiches isn’t an option. And how are you supposed to go without your favorite pasta dish? Below you’ll find...


All Health Benefits of Vaping CBD Oils

Over recent years, vaping has become hugely popular, with many turning to vape pens and devices in place of cigarettes. The popularity of vaping has also given rise to an increase in available oils, and there are now liquids available to suit all tastes and preferences. You can visit the site Flightams to get more...

Living Smart Granola